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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Political Science and International Studies.

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Submissions from 2017

Identity Groups and the Obama Presidency: A Retrospective, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Iranians in the Land of the Incas, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Iranians in the Land of the Incas, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Iran involvement in South America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Bringing Cuba Back!, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Joshua Kohler da Cruz

Keynote Address, Duke Talent Identification Program, Steven Engel

Keynote Address, Region 8 STAR Student/STAR Teacher Banquet, Steven Engel

Developing On-line Materials for Thesis Preparation, Steven Engel, Lisa A. Costello, Jacqueline K. Eastman, Joe Pellegrino, and Jamie E. Scalera

Celebration of Wexford-Savannah Links, Steven Engel and Howard Keeley

Historic Grounding for Contemporary Trade: Wexford-Savannah Axis, Steven Engel and Howard Keeley

Wexford-Savannah Tourism Experience, Steven Engel and Howard Keeley

Developing Online Materials for Thesis Preparation, Steven Engel, Jamie Scalera, Lisa Costello, and Joe Pellegrino

Global Capitalism and the Social Determinants of Health, Matthew Flynn


An Outline on the Theoretical Links between Global Capitalism and Global Health, Matthew B. Flynn


The Neo-Development State and Local Production of Drugs: Brazil’s Pharmaceutical Successes and Challenges, Matthew B. Flynn


The Political Economy of Immigration Detention: Globalization, National Diversity, and Economic Actors, Matthew B. Flynn

The Lethality of Home-grown terrorism in the United States, Tony Hudson and Srobana Bhattacharya

Power, Politics and Bloodshed: State-Society Relations in the Making of Genocide, Zachary Karazsia

All Fear Is Not the Same: Precarity, Insecuritization, and Sovereign Performance, Tahseen Kazi

Action and Reaction: The Politics of Rulemaking, Joshua B. Kennedy

Russian Revolution and Poland, Jacek Lubecki

Effective Monitoring of Agents? An Empirical Investigation of the U.S. Attorney Firings of 2006, Banks Miller and Brett W. Curry


Principals and Prosecutors: US Attorneys and the Enforcement of Criminal Policy, Banks Miller and Brett W. Curry


Helping Ourselves First: Conflict Management Strategies of Regional IOs, Carolynn Nixon and Jamie E. Scalera

Notions of Tragedy and Aspirations for Continuity in German Thought, Robert Pirro

Analyzing Beijing’s Policy in Asian Geopolitics, Nalanda Roy


Immigration and Security Post 9/11 in the U.S., Nalanda Roy


The South China Sea and Its Strategic Implications, Nalanda Roy

Political Polarization in French Presidential Elections, Jamie Scalera

Quantitative Data Analysis, Jamie Scalera

Quantitative Data Analysis, Jamie Scalera

Regional Human Rights Treaties: the Council of Europe and the European Union, Jamie Scalera


Brexit and the Future of EU Enlargement, Jamie E. Scalera


European Union Mediation Initiation in Civil Conflicts, Jamie E. Scalera and Krista E. Wiegand

The Supplemented Proletariat: Marx, Marxism, and the Dilemmas of Revolutionary Agency, Daniel Skidmore-Hess

100 Days of Trump, Maureen Stobb

Graduate School Workshop Series, Maureen Stobb

Protecting the Rights of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children, Maureen Stobb

The Changing Landscape of Immigration Law: A Panel Discussion on Recent Changes in Immigration Policy, Maureen Stobb

Policing the Traffic: The Capacity of Legal Change to Arrest Human Trafficking in the European Union, Maureen T. Stobb and Charlotte McDonald


Recruitment of American Citizens to International Religious Extremist Groups, Elizabeth Stovall and Srobana Bhattacharya

Appropriately Testing Public Knowledge Involving National and State Supreme Courts, Henry Christian Tecklenburg IV


Georgia on my Mind? Testing and Comparing Public Knowledge Involving the Georgia and U.S. Supreme Court, Henry Christian Tecklenburg IV


Supreme Court Backlash: The Impact of Obergefell on Religious Freedom Laws, Henry Christian Tecklenburg IV and Kimberly Martin

Analysis of Trump Administration, Lara Wessel

Musical Highway: A Political History of Social Movements and the Role of Popular Music, Lara Wessel

Submissions from 2016


The Patriot Myth: How Armed Groups Justify Violence in the Name of Nationalism, Barry J. Balleck


Crime-terror nexus: The Maoist conflict in India, Srobana Bhattacharya

International Terrorism, Srobana Bhattacharya

Terrorist Attacks: Why France?, Srobana Bhattacharya


Terrorists and Civilian Support: The Importance of Territory, Srobana Bhattacharya

Women in the Academy, Srobana Bhattacharya

Field research in Social Sciences, Srobana Bhattacharya and Courtney Burns

Islamic State and its organization, Srobana Bhattacharya and Christopher Caplinger

Field research in Social Sciences, Srobana Bhattacharya and Jamie Scalera


Food and Biopower: Spaces of Violence in Settler-Colonial Canada, William Biebuyck and M McCrossan

Canadian Settler-Colonialism, Biopolitics, and Food: Contesting Narratives and Practices of Sovereign Power, William Biebuyck and M. McCrossan

Food and Social Power in the Welfare State, William Biebuyck and M. McCrossan

Chinese Foreign Policy in the Caribbean: ‘Wu Wei Economics’ and the Politics of Empire in America’s Backyard, Christopher M. Brown

Island in the Stream: Post-Socialist Liberalization in Divided Societies and the Search for Social Capital 'Banks' in the Cuban Transition, Christopher M. Brown

More Human than Human: Post-Authoritarian Transitions and the Commitment to Human Dignity in Cuba, Christopher M. Brown

The Disambiguation of Hyphenated “Democracies”: Corporatism, Structures of Representation, and Democratic Purgatory in Poor-Quality Democracies, Christopher M. Brown

Post conflict Effects on Gender Rights, Courtney Burns and Srobana Bhattacharya

Guyana-Venezuela: A Conflict Like No Other, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

History Then and Today, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

IS in the Western Hemisphere: The Case of Trinidad & Tobago, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS/ISIL) and Trinidad and Tobago: Establishing a Dangerous Presence in the Western Hemisphere, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

War College, ISIS and the Fight Against Terrorism, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

What is Globalization? And, Why Should We Care?, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

“What, Then, Is the America?” “The Oldest Democracy in a Brand New World”, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

What You Need to Know About Zika, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Transnatioanl Organized Crime in Latin America: An Insidious National Security Threat, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz, Taylor Alvarez, and James Madison Marye

Knowledge: Race, Power, and Colonaity, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Jennifer Padilla Wyse

Keynote Address, Duke Talent Identification Program, Steven Engel

Planning, Managing, and (Hopefully) Expanding Your Honors Budget, Steven Engel

Unity and Diversity in the Creative Community, Steven Engel

Wexford-Savannah Axis Research Findings, Steven Engel and Howard Keeley

As Eleições Presidenciais dos EUA e a Reforma da Sistema da Saúde, Matthew Flynn


Capitalism and Immigration Control: What Political Economy Reveals about the Growth of Detention Systems, Matthew B. Flynn


The Lethality of Home-grown terrorism in the United States, Tony Hudson and Srobana Bhattacharya


Why the Welfare State Persists: A Comparative Analysis of the Welfare States in the US and the EU, Xavieria Jeffers and Jamie E. Scalera

The Colonial and The International, Tahseen Kazi

Executive Orders and the Imperial Presidency, Joshua B. Kennedy

The Federal Register, the Code of Federal Regulations, and Variation in Governmental Growth, Joshua B. Kennedy


ISIS and Al-Qaeda as Global Rebels: A Broader Historical Perspective, Jacek Lubecki

Ukrainian Military and Conflict with Russia 2014-2016, Jacek Lubecki

Rethinking Patent Law: Assessing the Practical Implications of Statutory Reform on Judging and Policy, Banks Miller and Brett W. Curry

The Patent Pilot Program: Congress-Induced Specialization on the Federal District Courts, Banks Miller and Brett W. Curry

Mainstreaming Scientology as an Official Religion in Germany’s Pluralist Order: Tom Cruise’s Valkyrie (2008), Robert Pirro

The Road as State of Nature: Cormac McCarthy’s Post-Apocalypse and Social Contract Theory, Robert Pirro


Analyzing Beijing’s Movements in Asia, Nalanda Roy

Reviewing the Lifestyle of the Bengali Diaspora in the United States, Nalanda Roy

The Implication of Beijing’s Movements in Asia, Nalanda Roy


Trick or Treat: The Implication of Beijing’s Motives in Asia, Nalanda Roy


Trading on Good Governance: Political Transformation and WTO Membership, Jamie E. Scalera


When Relations Sour: The Negative Consequences of Partnership with an International Organization, Jamie E. Scalera

When Relations Sour: Does WTO Membership Predict Peace?, Jamie E. Scalera and Srobana Bhattacharya


When Relations Sour: Does WTO Membership Predict Peace, Jamie E. Scalera, Srobana Bhattacharya, and Courtney Burns


Marx's Eurocentric Theories of History and Revolution and their Hegelian Sources, Daniel Skidmore-Hess

Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Cognitive Processing of Norms and Interests on the U.S. Courts of Appeals, Maureen Stobb