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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Political Science and International Studies.

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Submissions from 2011

From the Shadows to the Light: Senatorial Rhetoric and Voting for War, Barry J. Balleck

Social Media: Impact and Implications, Barry J. Balleck

Social Media: Impact and Implications, Barry J. Balleck

Weapons of Mass Destruction, Barry J. Balleck

Legal Pragmatism and Strategic Decision Making: Examining the Effects of Congressional Statutory Challenges, Brett W. Curry

Subject Matter Expertise and Judging on the U.S. Courts of Appeals, Brett W. Curry and Banks Miller

Judicial Subject Matter Expertise and Agency Theory, Trenton Davis, Brett Curry, and Banks Miller

A View of the Other from Joaquim Nabuco's Minha Formacao, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Cultural Differences Between Brazil and the United States, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Ethics & Academic Issues, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

From Genocide to Leading Information and Communication Technology Hub in East and Central Africa: The Case of Rwanda, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Life Chances and Life Choices for Health, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Politics and Policy in Latin America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The Chinese in Latin America: The Commodity Lottery Winners and Losers, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

United States Security Policy: Strategic Threats and Alternative Responses, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

World Perspectives, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Bytes not Bullets: Wars in the Digital World, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Becky Kohler da Cruz

Enriching Honors—Adding a Service-Learning, Leadership, or Other Component to Your Honors Program or College, Steven Engel

Keynote Address, Duke Talent Identification Program, Steven Engel

Navigating the Waters of the Academically Adrift: Departmental Honors Sequences, Steven Engel

Experts in Crime: The Effect of an Exclusively Criminal Docket on Judicial Behavior, Banks Miller, DIno P. Christenson, and Brett W. Curry

Faschismus und Demokratie im Genrekino: Eine deutsch-amerikanische Perspektiv auf die Nachkreigzeit, Robert Pirro

Submissions from 2010

Haven’t I Heard This Before? The Rhetoric of the Iraq and Vietnam Wars, Barry J. Balleck

Weapons of Mass Destruction, Barry J. Balleck

Around the World: Contemporary Issues, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Rwanda: The Silicon Valley of East and Central Africa, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The Chinese in Latin America: Winners and Losers, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The Election of Barack Obama: Bringing the People Back into Government Again, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Adriana Oliveira

Academic Excellence in an Age of Enlightenment, Steven Engel

How to Create a Winning Newsletter, Steven Engel

Keynote Address, Duke Talent Identification Program, Steven Engel

Recognition Luncheon for Bulloch County Honor Graduates, Steven Engel


Integrating Service-Learning into a Four Year Honors Program Experience, Steven Engel, Phyllis Dallas, Gustavo O. Maldonado, and James P. Braselton

The Will of Congress? Assessing the Institutional Foundations of Judicial Deference, Bryan Marshall, Richard L. Pacelle Jr., and Brett W. Curry

Experts Judging Experts: The Role of Expertise in Reviewing Agency Decision Making, Banks Miller and Brett W. Curry

Specialists in a Generalized Context: An Analysis of Decision Making in Labor Agency Cases on the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, Banks Miller and Brett W. Curry

Goatsong in a Democratic Key? Tragic Legacies in German Culture and Politics, Robert Pirro

Making Sense of the Tea Party Movement, Robert Pirro

Submissions from 2008

Constructing the Global Citizen: Model United Nations Participation and Global Awareness, Barry J. Balleck

Brazil’s Biodiesel and Ethanol Production: An Attempt to Reduce Oil Dependency, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Gender and HIV/AIDS in Latin America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The Japanese in Brazil: 1908-2008, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The Meridia Initiative: Beefing Up the Anti-Drug War, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The New United States African Command (AFRICOM): Building a Long Term Partnership or the Militarization of U.S.-African Relations, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Gender and HIV/AIDS in Post- Authoritarian Brazil, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Laura K. Stephens

From Protest to Peace: Murals of the Bogside Artists of Northern Ireland, Steven Engel

Honors Admissions: Models that Work, Steven Engel

Honors at Georgia Southern, Steven Engel

Keynote Address, Duke Talent Identification Program, Steven Engel

Internationalizing the Honors Experience: Initiatives to Globalize an Honors Program, Steven Engel and Bob Frigo

Rousseau and the Contemporary Dilemma of Patriotism, Steven Engel and Palle Svensson

Peak Oil and Coal Fires: How Scientific Fact Becomes Debatable Political Questions, Karen M. McCurdy

The Past Can Be the Key to the Present: Lessons from J.W. Powell’s Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Policy Making, Karen M. McCurdy

The Effect of Ideology in Decision Making on Specialized Courts: The Case of the Federal Circuit Court, Banks Miller and Brett W. Curry


Navigating Separation of Powers: The Supreme Court and Civil Rights and Civil Liberties, Richard L. Pacelle Jr., Jason Lawrence, Brett W. Curry, and Bryan Marshall

Reassessing the Voting Behavior of Minority and Female Judges on the Federal Bench, Nancy Scherer, Brett W. Curry, and Eric N. Waltenburg

Submissions from 2007

Issues and Strategies in Teaching International Studies Across the Curriculum, Barry J. Balleck

Issues and Strategies in Teaching International Studies Across the Curriculum, Barry J. Balleck

Old Wine in New Bottles: A Rhetorical Comparison on Ending the Wars in Vietnam and Iraq, Barry J. Balleck

The Supreme Court, Foreign Law, and its Consequences for Public Support, Brett W. Curry and Banks Miller


A Vital National Seminar and a Super Legislature: Decision Making on the Modern Supreme Court, Brett W. Curry, Richard L. Pacelle Jr., and Bryan Marshall

Descriptive Race Representation and Public Support for the U.S. Courts, Brett W. Curry and Nancy S. Scherer

Judges and Gender: Descriptive Representation’s Consequences for Judicial Legitimacy, Brett W. Curry and Nancy S. Scherer

Constructing Images of Latin America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Development Strategies: Struggle for Peace, Justice, and Democracy, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Development Strategies: Struggle for Peace, Justice, and Democracy, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Dismantling Old Ideologies, Philosophies, and Practices in the Classroom, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Latin American Foreign Policy in the 21st Century, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

One Last Chance to Undue the Unrule of Law in Brazil: The Força Nacional Brasileira, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

Still Attempting to Consolidate Its Democracy: Brazil in the 21st Century, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The Japanese Economical, Social, and Cultural Influence on the Brazilian Landscape, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

The Japanese in Brazil: 1908-2008, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz

From Protest to Peace: Murals of the Bogside Artists of Northern Ireland, Steven Engel and Howard Keeley

Are Changes in Coal Policy on the Horizon? An Examination of Committee Changes in the 110th Congress, Karen M. McCurdy

Congressional Time, Elections, Geologic Time and Public Policy Making in Non-Renewable Resources, Karen M. McCurdy

Influence in the Policy Making Process: the Rise of Economics at the Expense of Geology, Karen M. McCurdy