

Excerpt: A variety of sources have expounded on the exponential growth of knowledge, and current projections estimate knowledge doubling every one to two years. I would argue that what has exponentially increased is the availability of and our virtually immediate access to larger sets of data and information; however, this access to data or information does not automatically correspond to an increase in knowledge, and even less so to informed judgments with knowledge or “practical reasoning” (Sullivan & Rosin, 2008). We have only to look at our educational systems, colleges or universities, or even our classrooms for evidence of a wealth of accessible information with no corresponding richness of knowledge. Specifically, it is our nascent knowledge of how our students are acquiring and applying their knowledge that has drawn unwanted and in some cases unwarranted criticism of higher education (cf. Bloom, 1987; Bok, 2004; Hacker & Dreifus, 2010; Brandon, 2010: Arum & Roksa, 2011). In sum, many perceive a lack of knowledge about what transpires in our classrooms and the qualifications of our graduates; as a result, higher education, faculty teaching, and student learning are in a national spotlight.

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