

The purpose of this study is to examine the outcomes of a pedagogical intervention project in intermediate second language (L2) French and Spanish classes at the post-secondary level. The authors designed and implemented four “Language Learning Modules” (LLMs) to ascertain if these interventions could enhance students’ metacognitive and metalinguistic awareness and help students see the relevance of studying an L2. Sixty-two students were divided evenly into a “Module” group, which received the LLMs, and a “Non-Module” group, which did not receive such instruction. Analyses reveal that the Module group differed from the Non-Module group in terms of how they applied metacognitive insights, became more aware of the value of language learning, and found relevance in the L2. The authors contend that it is imperative for language educators to foster student growth in metacognitive abilities and metalinguistic awareness, and to explicitly instruct students on the relevance of L2 study.

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