

Post-digital architectural education aims to empower future architects by developing open-mindedness and technical skills for the design of non-standard spatial configurations. Students can learn through exploration and experimentation, using three-dimensional graphic design software to generate initial designs and quality feedback, with a mixed model of peers and panel judges assessing final projects. Ratings of individual contributions and performance are commonly found in literature on peer assessment, but qualitative comments from peers can also provide good information on strengths and weaknesses. This study shows that peer critique in the form of debate can be an effective pedagogical tool for educators to provide quality feedback to the presenting group. This paper explores how architecture students responded to this method in a design studio for a master’s degree in architecture in a university in Hong Kong. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed and subsequently analysed using the coding system of qualitative software NVivo 11. The responses of the students were positive, although they experienced differences in feedback from different stakeholders.

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