This collection features presentations by current and former faculty in the Department of English at Georgia Southern University.
Faculty may contribute works produced while serving at Georgia Southern by submitting a copy to Please provide the version licensed by the copyright holder (e.g., the publisher) for open access publication following any mandatory embargo period.
Submissions from 2007
Cordelia as Lady of Wisdom, Christopher P. Baker
King Lear and the Theology of the Grotesque, Christopher P. Baker
Rhetoric of Science in the First-Year Composition Classroom, Timothy D. Giles
What Students Can Expect in the Electronic Classroom, Timothy D. Giles
Literacy as Linchpin: Centering Composition in the Learning Community, Helen E. Howells
When Politics and Pedagogy Collide: The Identity of First-Year Composition and the Rhetoric of Retention, Helen E. Howells
Gower’s Shaping of the Constance Plot: An Exemplum Contra Envy, Carol P. Jamison
Fostering Interdisciplinary Connections for SoTL, Trent W. Maurer, Melissa Lickteig, Starla McCollum, and Caren Town
“Heavenly Genes”: Eugenic Motherhood and the Rebirth of a Nation, Jane V. Rago
Advisors Forum, Laura E. Valeri
Submissions from 2006
A Developing Program Develops Relations with Industry, Timothy D. Giles
Cloning Zombies: A Motive for Metaphor, Timothy D. Giles
“Teaching While the Students Aren’t Looking: Using Subversive Instruction to Facilitate Empowered Learning.” Co-presented with Nancy Remler and Jack Simmons, Helen E. Howells
The Play and Meaning of Courtoisie in Romanz de un Chivaler et de sa Dame et de un Clerk, Carol P. Jamison
Agents and Contracts, Laura E. Valeri
Submissions from 2005
Elizabethan Flies: Variations on a Poetic Trope, Christopher P. Baker
The Dionysian Motif in D. H. Lawrence’s ‘The Odor of Chrysanthemums.’, Christopher P. Baker
AASCU Graduation Rates Outcomes Report. Co-presented with AASCU/USG Task Force, Helen E. Howells
AASCU/USG/AASU and Retention. Co-presented with Greg Anderson and Michael Price, Helen E. Howells
Creating Common Ground: Integrating the Learning Community, Helen E. Howells
Producing the Prince of Publishing: Charlotte Bronte and George Smith, Helen E. Howells
Spaces and Faces of Teaching at AASU, Helen E. Howells
The Heart of the Matter: Collaboration and the Learning Community, Helen E. Howells
The Savannah Read, Helen E. Howells
Harry Potter and the Chivalric Code of Conduct, Carol P. Jamison
King Breaking and King Making Women in Beowulf and Volsungasaga, Carol P. Jamison
Assessing Creative Writing, Laura E. Valeri
Submissions from 2004
“Desperately Seeking Shakespeare,” presented as part of “Elizabeth I: Ruler and Legend,”a traveling exhibition sponsored by the ALA, NEH, and Newberry Library, Christopher P. Baker
Boredom, Helen E. Howells
“No Red Pen Required.” Co-presented with Andi Beth Mincer, Physical Therapy, Helen E. Howells
Reading Gloria Anzaldua, Helen E. Howells
The Hidden "R" in NWP: Using Writing Strategies to Teach Reading, Helen E. Howells
The Regents’ Test, Helen E. Howells
New Voices from Miami – Gulf Stream Magazine Presents, Laura E. Valeri
Submissions from 2003
Volpone: Jonson’s Dantean Comedy, Christopher P. Baker
Creating Community in the First-Year Composition Classroom, Timothy D. Giles
Developing the Writing Program Website: A Case Study in Collaborative Teaching. Co- presented with Nancy Luke, Faculty Support, Helen E. Howells
Just Write, Helen E. Howells
Learning the Teacher and Enlightening the Fire Chiefs: Teaching Composition Downtown, Helen E. Howells
Literature and the Writing Process, Helen E. Howells
Reading the Word/World in First-Year Composition, Helen E. Howells
Writing Reminders, Helen E. Howells
King Arthur Online and through the Ages. Teaching Arthurian Literature, Carol P. Jamison
Submissions from 2002
“Romeo’s Flies and Donne’s ‘The Flea, Christopher P. Baker
Becoming Professionals: From Composition Candidates to Colleagues, Helen E. Howells
Just Write, Helen E. Howells
Rhythms of Growth: Making Transitions in Site Leadership, Helen E. Howells
Finding Female Voices in the Fabliaux, Carol P. Jamison
The Germanic Peaceweaver as Exile, Carol P. Jamison
Wolves and Peaceweavers: Wulf and Eadwacer Revisited, Carol P. Jamison
Submissions from 2001
Irish, Moors, Scythians, and Othello, Christopher P. Baker
Othello as Ovidian Scythian, Christopher P. Baker
Richard II as rex ludens, Christopher P. Baker
Revisiting Readability, Timothy D. Giles
Enacting Feminist Pedagogy: A Reflection on Teaching Feminist Theory, Helen E. Howells
Facing the Page: The Prefaces of Nineteenth-Century British Women Writers, Helen E. Howells
Beowulf, Women’s Studies, and Technology, Carol P. Jamison
Submissions from 2000
Marvell's 'Echoing Song' as tombeau, Christopher P. Baker
Submissions from 1999
Chair, "Non-Shakespearean Drama", Christopher P. Baker
Submissions from 1998
A Shakespearean Analogue for Milton's Sonnet 23, Christopher P. Baker
Bodies (Impolitic in Shakespeare's Tetralogies, Christopher P. Baker
Chair, Fifth round of sessions, Christopher P. Baker
Chair, Gender and Power in Renaissance Drama, Christopher P. Baker
"Why seems it so particular with thee?": Hamlet's Double Grief,, Christopher P. Baker
Submissions from 1996
"The Burnt-offering Motif in Donne's "Canonization", Christopher Baker
Two Models of Leadership from Shakespeare: Richard II and Henry V, Christopher P. Baker
Mystery as Source in the Fiction of Philip K. Dick, Timothy D. Giles
Submissions from 1995
Chair, panel on Shakespearean Comedy, Christopher P. Baker
"Nada: Sacred and Profane in Hemingway's " 'A Clean, Well-Lighted Place", Christopher P. Baker
Submissions from 1994
A Rationale for Lifelong Learning, Christopher P. Baker
Ain't Got No Cigarettes: The Misrepresentation of Homeless People in Popular Culture, Timothy D. Giles
Submissions from 1991
Chair, "Rhetoric and Style in a Print Culture", Christopher P. Baker
'Glittering Tinsel:' English Popular Fiction in 1900, Christopher P. Baker