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For most people growing up in the age of the internet, it takes just a Google search to witness atrocities if you’re curious, which most people are. Or you can stumble upon violent acts entirely by accident. Nearly every day, we consume media that glorifies violence both dramatized and real. We see so much of this, that it becomes normal to us instead of horrible. At best, this leads to apathy of human suffering. At worst, this leads to young people seeking to commit dangerous acts because they don’t understand the gravity of these actions. I will be reading excerpts from a short story I crafted for my fiction writing class this semester called Animals. The story comments on the increasing and dangerous normalization of violence that leads to desensitization. In this story, we see a teenager come to realize the consequences of his morbid curiosity as he underestimates the impact of the violence he commits.

Faculty Mentor

Laura Valeri

Department of Primary Presenter's Major


Symposium Year


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Apr 18th, 2:45 PM Apr 18th, 3:15 PM
