From Creation, to Revision, to Compilation

Presentation Type

Creative Process Analysis

Release Option

Metadata Only


This presentation’s goal is to display how I curated a portfolio of my works to encompass and showcase several skills I have learned during my time as an English Major. Within it, I show skills in research, analysis, creative non-fiction writing, and creating style sheets for editing. As part of my creative analysis, I discuss my goals for compiling pieces, ones that displayed my skills in writing within multiple styles, as well as skills in editing and style sheet creation. These goals simultaneously exemplify where I would like to go in my career post-graduation. To further illustrate my creative choices, I’ll discuss how I curated three texts that I created: “Modern Media and the Display of Current Feminist Issues”, “The Rights Given by Copyright”, and “I’m Sorry, You’re Just a Mystery: A Journey with Endometriosis, Mental Health, and Self-Discovery”. Alongside these texts is an APA style sheet for editing and revision purposes. All four of these compiled documents display different skills within the realms of creation, writing, and editing. With these skills, I intend to enter the career world to become an editor and author. Overall, this curation benefits me by aiding in my self-branding by exhibiting my writing skills.

Faculty Mentor

Lisa Dusenberry

Department of Primary Presenter's Major


Symposium Year


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Apr 17th, 6:00 PM Apr 17th, 7:00 PM

From Creation, to Revision, to Compilation