Georgia Southern Commons - SoTL Commons Conference: From Laboratory to Classroom: Using Evidence to Support Classroom Instruction


Adam PerskyFollow

Conference Tracks

About SoTL – Analysis, synthesis, reflection, and discussion


In health science, we transition between bench-top research and clinical research and practice and vice-versa; we ask ourselves and our students to practice evidence-based medicine. We are asking ourselves to do the same for education – to translate what we know from cognitive psychology, education, and physiology into our classrooms. There is a great deal of research pertaining to what works and what does not work with respect to student learning. In this session, the facilitator will translate research from a variety of areas into practical application. At the conclusion of this session, you will have a better understanding of why things like the flipped classroom work and to design courses with key elements, and have a bit of fun in the process.

By the end of this session, you can expect to have:

Identified at least three (3) “lessons learned” (key concepts) that can inform your teaching practice Identified at least three (3) specific teaching strategies, techniques, or tools that you can adopt and apply Identified at least two (2) useful resources and references for follow-up

Session Format



Harborside Ballroom East

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Feb 21st, 12:00 PM Feb 21st, 1:30 PM

From Laboratory to Classroom: Using Evidence to Support Classroom Instruction

Harborside Ballroom East

In health science, we transition between bench-top research and clinical research and practice and vice-versa; we ask ourselves and our students to practice evidence-based medicine. We are asking ourselves to do the same for education – to translate what we know from cognitive psychology, education, and physiology into our classrooms. There is a great deal of research pertaining to what works and what does not work with respect to student learning. In this session, the facilitator will translate research from a variety of areas into practical application. At the conclusion of this session, you will have a better understanding of why things like the flipped classroom work and to design courses with key elements, and have a bit of fun in the process.

By the end of this session, you can expect to have:

Identified at least three (3) “lessons learned” (key concepts) that can inform your teaching practice Identified at least three (3) specific teaching strategies, techniques, or tools that you can adopt and apply Identified at least two (2) useful resources and references for follow-up