

This research explores the influence of value perception on tourists’ souvenir purchase decisions. A convenience sample of 380 respondents from a Southeastern U.S. university completed survey instruments regarding their destination, shopping venue, and souvenirs purchased. Results revealed significant positive influences between five value perceptions (functional, emotional, novelty, value for money, and social) and tourists’ souvenir purchase intentions. These results provide valuable marketing and strategic planning insights to destination retailers.

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Recommended Citation

Wang, Wei, Yaoyuneyong, Gallayanee, Sullivan, Pauline, and Burgess, Brigitte W. (2018). A model for perceived destination value and tourists' souvenir intentions. Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 8(2), 1-23. ISSN: 2151-3236. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/jamt/vol8/iss2/1

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