Policies | Journal of Applied Marketing Theory | Active Journals | Georgia Southern University



Open Access Policy

The Journal of Applied Marketing Theory (JAMT) is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the user or their institution. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of all articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the BOAI definition of open access.

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Review Process

JAMT publishes two issues per year. In our journal, the review process is designed to be double-blind, ensuring that both authors and reviewers remain anonymous. Each manuscript undergoes evaluation by three independent reviewers who are selected for their expertise in the relevant field. During this process, the identities of the authors are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa, to prevent any bias. This rigorous approach helps to maintain fairness and objectivity in the assessment of each submission. If you have concerns about the terms of submission or review, please contact the Editor in Chief.

  • All submissions must be previously unpublished manuscripts, must be the original work of the author(s), and must currently be submitted only to the Journal of Applied Marketing Theory. By submitting a paper for consideration, the author(s) affirm(s) that the manuscript will not be submitted to another venue while under review with the Journal of Applied Marketing Theory.
  • In a separate Word file, a cover letter should contain the title, the authors’ names and affiliations, contact-author information (i.e., phone, email), up to eight keywords for your article, and manuscript type (practitioner research, academic empirical, or empirical, conceptual research, case study).
  • Manuscripts should be formatted by the author(s) according to the Format & Style Guidelines for Submission below.
  • With your anonymous manuscript file, you need to provide a manuscript title, an abstract of 150-200 words, and up to eight keywords for your article.
  • All author identification information must be removed before submission.
  • Upon submission, the Editor(s) in Chief reviews all manuscripts for appropriateness. If the submission is appropriate, the Editor(s) in Chief will assign three reviewers to the paper.
  • Each reviewer may include specific and narrative comments for the author(s) of the submission about its content, argumentation, research methodologies, conclusions, etc., as appropriate to the manuscript type. These comments will be provided to the author(s) without identifying the reviewers.
  • When all reviews have been received by the Editor(s) in Chief, a decision will be made regarding publication or further revision, and the lead author will be contacted. If the reviews are very different, the Editor(s) in Chief may ask one or two additional reviewers to read and evaluate the submission. Then, upon receipt of the additional reviews, a final publication decision will be made.
  • Author(s) whose manuscripts are provisionally accepted will have the option and opportunity to make suggested edits and resubmit the manuscript.
  • Once accepted for publication, manuscripts should be re-formatted by the author(s) according to the Format & Style Guidelines for Publication (the link is to be updated) below, then resubmitted for publication. Due dates for final versions vary with each issue.
  • The response time for manuscripts is typically 6 – 8 weeks from submission.

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Submission Checklist and Formatting Guidelines

Submission Checklist
The full paper should follow the formatting guidelines in this guide:

  • All URL addresses in the document are active with proper hyperlinks.
  • Body of paper is in Times New Roman 10pt font, SINGLE-SPACED.
  • Insert only one space between sentences. Insert one empty line between paragraphs.
  • ALL text (except the titles of tables/figures) is full flush. No indentation of each new paragraph.
  • Margins are set at Top, Left & Right all 1 inch; Bottom 1.25 inches.
  • Sections of the paper are in the following order: Title, Authors Names and Affiliations, email (for accepted papers only) Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Body of Paper (Literature Review, Methodology, Results, Discussions, Limitations and Suggestions), References, About the Author(s) (for accepted papers only).
  • Title of paper is in bold 14pt Century Schoolbook font, upper and lower case. Return once after title.
  • Below the authors' names, include up to a 150-word ABSTRACT (capitalized in bold), abstract body 10pt Century Schoolbook font.
  • Keywords: Include up to 10 related words to the main topic, separated with a comma, italicized.
  • Major section headings are in bold 10pt Times New Roman font all UPPERCASE, minor section headings are in bold, 10pt Times New Roman upper & lowercase.
  • Tables/Figures are placed within the body of the paper and may include smaller font if needed. Titles of Tables/Figures are in upper & lowercase 10pt Times New Roman font, in bold, Centered.
  • REFERENCES are formatted using APA 7th edition style, as seen in examples below.
  • Remove any page-breaks or page numbers, if set in the document.
  • The text of the document should NOT be set to 2-column formatting.
  • For accepted papers: Author names are in 10pt Times New Roman font, upper and lower case, and centered. Author affiliation and email in 10pt Times New Roman font. Do NOT bold Author names, affiliations, and email.
  • For accepted papers: ABOUT THE AUTHORS section is to include a short paragraph of bio for each author and is required at the end of the paper. Follow the content format in the example below.

Please click the image below to see a sample of the requested document formatting for a paper:

paper formatting sample

If you have questions or concerns about these guidelines, please contact the Editors in Chief

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Copyright & Licensing Terms

All papers published in JAMT are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Authors retain all copyrights without restrictions and agree to the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license for their work as a condition of publication.

End users' rights under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license are outlined here. For all other purposes, permission must be obtained from the author.

Copyright and licensing terms for JAMT are registered with Sherpa Romeo.

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Plagiarism Policy

JAMT uses Similarity Check, a multi-publisher initiative, to selectively screen article submissions for originality. Similarity Check uses the iThenticate software, which checks submissions against millions of published research papers (the Similarity Check database), documents on the web, and other relevant sources. These submitted papers are not retained in the Similarity Check system after they have been checked. Read more at Crossref's Similarity Check & Researchers page.

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Charges & Fees

JAMT levies no submission charges, or charges or fees for publication of accepted articles.

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Digital Archiving

JAMT is preserved using CLOCKSS, a leading preservation archive that guarantees persistent access to journal content for the very long term. Articles also receive Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) through Crossref to ensure they can always be found.

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