

College football programs are booming in popularity. College football benefits both fans and schools. Those benefits differ between small and large schools. This paper looked at reasons why small, private schools should start football program, Findings suggest a positive effect of fan identity, expectation of enjoyment and perceived importance of football to the school on intention to attend games and consume football related goods. Relationship between intentions to donate and enjoyment and importance were partially mediated by intentions to consume. Fan identity had no direct effect on intentions to donate. This study suggests that small-scale football programs can benefit students and alumni as well as the school itself.

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Rynarzewska, Ania Izabela, and McClung, Steven (2017). Reasons why small, private schools should start football programs, Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 7(2), 43-53. ISSN: 2151-3236. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/jamt/vol7/iss2/4

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