

Given current challenges related to talent in sales organizations, the need for enhanced recruiting and retention of top-tier talent has never been more critical. Extant research has demonstrated the high cost of employee turnover and the importance of organizational commitment for the sales force. This report explores the potential of utilizing psychological capital (PsyCap) in sales organizations in order to gain a competitive advantage through increased organizational commitment. The authors found strong, positive relationships between PsyCap and organizational support, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment. Implications for academic researchers and a proposed intervention strategy for managers seeking to improve organizational commitment are included with this report.

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Recommended Citation

Schulz, Steven A., Schulz, Heather M., and Yeagley, Marsha (2014). Psychological capital intervention: A potential tool for improving organizational commitment in sales organizations. Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 5(2), 36-47. ISSN: 2151-3236. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/jamt/vol5/iss2/3

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