

Sport organizations use dynamic ticket pricing (DTP) strategies to generate extra revenues. DTP is based on demand and occasions. This exploratory study reported the results of the online survey data collected from 48 mid-west college/university athletic directors and marketing managers. The participants shared responses regarding their perceptions of the use of DTP by regional and private smallmarket collegiate athletic programs. Specifically, the study examined the perceived benefits and shortcomings of DTP. Past experiences implementing the strategy are also discussed. The results concluded that the majority of respondents were receptive to DTP although they questioned whether the strategy could deliver excessive financial benefits. They also noted that the practice of frequent ticket price change may be cumbersome and challenged.

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Chen, Steve, Henderson, Kenneth, Smith, Cassandra, and Mason, Nicholas (2014). Is dynamic pricing viable for small market collegiate athletics? Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 5(2), 26-35. ISSN: 2151-3236. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/jamt/vol5/iss2/2

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