

College sports are certainly ingrained in the fabric of American society, and a significant aspect of this phenomena is the pageantry associated with college sports. This pageantry includes team logos and official team colors, and both are important aspects of fandom and team identification. Utilizing social identify theory as the theoretical framework for this research, the purpose of this study was to examine students’ university-affiliated athletic merchandise and logo preferences and related behaviors. Two focus groups were conducted with results showing three major themes, where students demonstrated polarizing views and opinions. These themes were (a) fashion and function, (b) orientation towards real vintage for style and nostalgia, and (c) preference for chic and official. These findings provide guidance for marketers and merchandisers to be aware of the nuances of different types of students and not to infer that the preferences of students are all the same.


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Recommended Citation

Hardin, R., Childs, M. L., & Simpson, K. D. (2023). Student perceptions and preferences of university-affiliated athletic merchandise and logos. Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 10(2), 63-72.

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