

This research is motivated by the industry and academic needs to corroborate a holistic understanding of preferred service brand status and customer service brand engagement (CSBE). The study investigates the impact of achieving preferred university brand status and how different touchpoints in higher education influence the CSBE outcomes of host universities, as seen from the perspective of international students. Data was collected from 22 American Universities with at least 1,000 international student enrollments using an online survey. The study systematically defines and identifies appropriate touchpoints within the higher education decision-making journey. Second, the findings indicate variations in the experiences of international students across various touchpoints—from recognizing their needs to post-admission evaluation stages and subsequent CSBE—between those who attained the preferred university brand and those who didn't. The positive student experiences result in favorable word of mouth, alumni donations, and emotional and cognitive attachments. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.


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Recommended Citation

Nguyen, T., Sun, Q., & Ganesh, G. (2023). Customer service brand engagement among international students: The roles of preferred university brand attainment. Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 10(2), 44-62.

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