"Consumer-Led Brand Development for a University Athletics Program" by Lynn W. McGee


A foundational aspect of sports marketing is the study of how consumer relationships contribute to brand loyalty and behavior. A new baccalaureate university introduced intercollegiate athletics—and needed a process to define its distinctive brand assets and to select a brand name and brand mark. The qualitative and quantitative consumer-led process built brand loyalty using Gronroos' customer relationship model of external, internal and interactive marketing. A brand personality survey demonstrated significant differences in characteristics desired by different stakeholder groups. The benefits, challenges and implications of the consensus-building approach for practitioners are presented and the need for richer concepts and measures in this emerging research area identified.

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McGee, Lynn W. (2010). Consumer-led brand development for a university athletics program. Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 1(2), 58-72. ISSN: 2151-3236. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/jamt/vol1/iss2/6

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