

This study examined the ticket purchasing motivation and interests of 334 season-ticket holders (199 males, 135 females) from two NCAA Division-I regional state institutions. The participants’ purchasing motivation and interests were surveyed onsite in the 2008-09 season by utilizing a12-item self-created instrument with a high level of internal reliability. The results indicated that the participants’ ticket purchasing motivation was mainly influenced by the competition and psycho-social related factor (CPR), and price and promotion (P&P) factor. The researchers further addressed the unique aspects in promoting regional Division-I basketball programs, and limitations and directions for future studies.

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Recommended Citation

Chen, Steve, and Mak, Jennifer Y. (2010). Collegiate basketball season-ticket holders’ purchasing motivation and interests. Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 1(2), 1-7. ISSN: 2151-3236. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/jamt/vol1/iss2/1

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