Descartes and Surrealism

Presentation Type

Creative Process Analysis

Release Option

Metadata Only


Even though Descartes does not evoke the notion of Surrealism, there are many connections that can be made between this 16th century philosopher and the artist movement centuries later. Surrealistic art is not supposed to be aesthetic, it’s supposed to make a statement. Descartes’ writings were not meant to be entertaining; they were meant to encourage people think about his ideas. They both boil down to the search for truth and using unconventional methods to discover that which is true. Surrealism, as well, offers a different or novel approach to thinking about yourself and the world. Despite their differences in approach, the exploration of Descartes’ writings and the surrealism artistic movement reveals the relationship between philosophical ideas and artistic expression.

Faculty Mentor

William Holley

Department of Primary Presenter's Major

Department of Foreign Languages

Symposium Year


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Apr 17th, 6:00 PM Apr 17th, 12:00 AM

Descartes and Surrealism