Ad Astra: A Section of my Non-Fiction Memoir

Presentation Type

Creative Process Analysis

Release Option

Metadata Only


I will be doing an analysis and reading of a section of my nonfiction memoir, "Ad Astra." I will introduce my piece to give the audience the context and significance of my work. "Ad Astra" is a creative nonfiction memoir that combines flood subjects such as astronomy and NASA's telescope and rover programs with figurative topics of loss, family, and displacement. I break down the piece into four micro-chapters which explore concrete concepts of scientific research such as the process of supernova and the abstract concepts of grieving loved ones who are still alive and when one's childhood is lost to the past. It takes heavy inspiration from the braided essay structure commonly utilized in creative nonfiction essays, defined as taking between two to four concepts and weaving them together to connect to an overarching theme. This piece challenges its readers to make connections and understand the nuances between the literal and the metaphorical while using a creative genre and form. The purpose of the piece is to display how the use of style, interpolation within texts, and research can transform a creative essay as it pushes the boundaries of creative genres.


Sofia Navarro

Faculty Mentor

Laura Valeri

Department of Primary Presenter's Major


Symposium Year


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Apr 17th, 6:00 PM Apr 17th, 7:00 PM

Ad Astra: A Section of my Non-Fiction Memoir