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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Jiann-Ping College of Public Health.

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Submissions from 2020

Shaping Public Health – APHA, Academics, Practice and Advocacy to Address Health Inequities and Links to Public Health 3.0, Joseph Telfair

Turning the Tide on Persistent Rural Health Disparities: Perspectives from National Public Health Leadership during the Covid-19 Pandemic (Collaborative Session), Joseph Telfair

Airborne Concentrations of PM2.5 and PM10 at Cotton Farms During Harvesting, Taylor Thornton, Caleb Adeoye, Sonam Dolma Sherpa, and Atin Adhikari

Exposure Levels of Bioaerosols and Airborne Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Cotton Farms During Cotton Harvesting, Taylor Thornton, Daleniece Higgins, Pratik Banerjee, Caleb Adeoye, Sonam Dolma Sherpa, and Atin Adhikari

An Interprofessional Approach to Teaching Health Informatics, Paula Tillman, Janet Buelow, Helen M. Taggart, and Haresh Rochani

Assessing Biosecurity and Biosafety Practices on Commercial Farms Across Nepal, Joana Tome, Holly L. Richmond, Dibesh Kharmacharya, Ajit Poudel, Rajindra Napit, Saman Man Pradhan, Jyotsna Joshi, Ajay Narayan Sharma, Rupendra Chaulagain, Prakash Adhikari, Sonu Adhikari, Arjun Bhujel, Deepesh Oli, Logan Cowan, and Jessica S. Schwind

Assessing Nepal’s Climate Change Situation by Analyzing Livelihood Vulnerability: A Systematic Review of the Literature, J. Tome, Holly L. Richmond, and Jessica S. Schwind


Using the theory of reasoned action to analyze African American college students’ intentions to participate in biobanking research, Bethrand O. Ugwu, Stacy W. Smallwood, Haresh Rochani, and Samuel T. Opoku


Youth in Action for Health Project: An Assessment of Food Insecurity Among Ethnically Diverse High School Students, Hurjessica Virk, Annette Aalborg, Devin Oates, Daeja Tillis, Shannon Frisinger, Matthew Ristow, Jessica S. Schwind, and Salina Ramachhita


Public Health Employees’ Perceptions About Impact of Emerging Public Health Trends on Their Day-to-Day Work, Kristie C. Waterfield, Gulzar H. Shah, Linda G. Kimsey, and William A. Mase


Local health departments’ is capacity and the impact on their plans to implement an environmental health information systems, Kristie C. Waterfield, Gulzar H. Shah, Dziyana Nazaruk, Nandi A. Marshall, and Jeffery A. Jones

Implicit Bias and Healthy Equity, L. D. Weeks and Joseph Telfair

Exploring Cues to Action as Motivators to Increase Personal Protective Equipment Compliance Among Wastewater Workers, T. Wright, Atin Adhikari, J. Yin, R. Vogel, S. Smallwood, and G. Shah

A Nonparametric MC-SIMEX Method, Lili Yu, Congjian Liu, Jingjing Yin, and Jun Liu

Submissions from 2019

Emerging Infections Worldwide: Challenges of Sampling Bioaerosols and Other Infectious Agents in Workplaces, Atin Adhikari

Respiratory Deposition Modeling for PM10, PM2.5, and PM1 Exposure in Cotton Farms for Standard and Heavy Workers, Atin Adhikari

Guest Lecture given at Applied Ecology (ENSC 360/540) – Department of Environmental Studies, University of Montana, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu

Guest Lecture given at Cultural Foods (NTFS 4630), Nutrition and Food Science Program, Health and Kinesiology Department at Georgia Southern University, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu

Guest Lecture given at Principles of Environmental Health (PUBH 3136), Undergraduate program in (BSPH), Department of Community Health, JPHCOPH at Georgia Southern University, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu

Guest Lecture given at Principles of Environmental Health (PUBH 3136), Undergraduate program in (BSPH), Department of Community Health, JPHCOPH at Georgia Southern University, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu

Keynote Speech: Universal access to healthcare – The role of the health scientist. Title: Addressing Environmental/Occupational Health Challenges to Improve Quality of Healthcare in Ghana and other African Countries, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu

Influence of Serum Lutein and Zeaxanthin on Select Cancer Mortality: An 18-Year Follow-Up Cohort Study, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu, Padmini Shankar, Alicia Brown, and Jian Zhang

Impact of Childhood Asthma in Developing Countries: A Systematic Review, Oyindamola Akinso and Atin Adhikari


Local Health Department Engagement in Access to Mental Health Services and Mental Health Policy or Advocacy Activities, Abraham Ater, Sushma Kurella, Gulzar H. Shah, and Kristie Cason Waterfield

Academic Health Departmental Panel Discussion, A. Barkin, A. Erickson, J. Lockwood, and William Mase

PAH Exposure among Slaughterhouse and Slaughter Slab Workers Who Utilize Scrap Automobile Tires for Meat Singeing in Ghana, Alicia Brown, Caitlyn Grunert, Natalie Johnson, A. Cleve, Inyang Uwak, and M. Wang

PAH Exposure among Slaughterhouse and Slaughter Slab Workers Who Utilize Scrap Automobile Tires to Singe Meat in Ghana, Alicia Brown, Natalie Johnson, A. Cleve, Inyang Uwak, and Evans Afriyie-Gyawu

Program Planning in Public Health for Undergraduate Education: Taking it to the Next Level, Joanne Chopak-Foss and Jamie S. Cromley

Trajectories of Engagement in Leisure Time Physical Activity and Risk of Incident Ischemic Stroke: the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study, Logan Cowan, Yelena N. Tarasenko, Kelly Evenson, Priya Palta, and Kamakshi Lakshminarayan

Simultaneous Measurements of Airborne Microorganisms, VOCs, Moisture, Light, Particulate Matter, and Ventilations in Indoor Home Environments, J. E. Dortherow, M. Hizine, C. Grunert, O. Osanyinlusi, S. Smart, E. Riegelman, K. Jones, and Atin Adhikari

VOC and Particle Concentrations in New and Model Automobiles, J. Edward Dotherow, D. Martin, and Atin Adhikari

Utilizing Twitter to Identify Unplanned School Closures during the 2017-2018 Winter Season for Massachusetts and Georgia Public School Districts, Haley Evans, Maya Handberry, Kamalich Muniz-Rodriguez, Hai Liang, Jessica S. Schwind, and Isaac Fung

Parameter Estimation using Influential Exponential Tilting in Case of Data Missing at Random and Non-Ignorable Missing Data, Kavita Gohil, Hani Samawi, Haresh Rochani, and Lili Yu


Public Health Inquiry & Youth Participatory Action Research in a High School Biomedical Academy: Association Between Perception of Harm Related to Substance Use/Abuse and Public Health Knowledge, Andrew Ha, Annette Aalborg, Janis Ho, Amy Vang, Jessica S. Schwind, and Daniel Parker

Breastfeeding Initiation and Continuation: Rural-Urban Differences in Georgia, Whitney N. Hamilton and Yelena N. Tarasenko


Microbiological Water Quality at Jekyll Island Beaches, Michela Hizine, Sarah Jillson, Bettye A. Apenteng, Jeffery A. Jones, and Asli Aslan


Public Health Inquiry & Youth Participatory Action Research in a High School Biomedical Academy: an Approach to Foster Positive Youth Development and Resiliency, Janis Ho, Annette Aalborg, Amy Vang, Andrew Ha, Jessica S. Schwind, and Daniel Parker

Consulting Dr. Internet, Osaremhen Ikhile, K. Harris, Joanne Chopak-Foss, and Gulzar H. Shah

Incidence of Major Cardiovascular Disease and Subsequent Risk of End-stage Renal Disease: The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) Study, Junichi Ishigami, Logan Cowan, Ryan T. Demmer, Pamela L. Lutsey, Morgan E. Grams, Josef Coresh, and Kunihiro Matsushita

Developing a Conceptual Model for Opioid Prevention by Combining Elements of Transtheoretical Model and NIOSH Framework for Combating Opioid-Related Deaths and Injuries at Workplace, P. Joshi and Atin Adhikari


Increasing Steps in Sedentary College Students with Self–Monitoring and Social Feedback, Hafsa Junaid, Monique Benjamin, Talia Wind, Andrew Bulla, and Dziyana Nazaruk

Examining the Relationship Between Spirituality and Quality of Life in College Students, Hafsa Junaid and Tilicia Mayo-Gamble

A New Measure of Diagnostic Accuracy with Cut-point Selection Criterion for K-stage Diseases Using Concordance and Discordance, Jing Kersey, Hani Samawi, Jingjing Yin, Haresh Rochani, Xinyan Zhang, and Chen Mo

Misclassification Simulation Extrapolation in survival analysis with AFT model, Congjian Liu and Lili Yu


Rainfall and Temperature as Environmental Factors Impacting Beach Water Quality in Coastal Georgia, Joshua Longcoy, X. Zhag, and Asli Aslan

Cluster Analysis of Urinary Tobacco Biomarkers among U.S. Adults: Population Assessment of Tobacco and Health (PATH) Biomarker Study (2013-2014).”, Ban Majeed, Daniel F. Linder, Yelena Tarasenko, Danielle Smith, Yutao Liu, Thomas Eissenberg, and David L. Ashley

A Sickle Cell Research M.A.T.C.H, Tilicia Mayo-Gamble


Community Health Ambassadors: a Novel Strategy for Engaging Patients With Sickle Cell Disease, Tilicia Mayo-Gamble, Velma McBride Murry, and Delores P. Quasie-Woode


Sickle Cell Disease and Self- Management Tools, Tilicia Mayo-Gamble, Velma McBride Murry, and Delores P. Quasie-Woode


Technology Access and Preferences for Smartphone Application Content Among Adults With Sickle Cell Disease and Their Caregivers, Tilicia Mayo-Gamble, Velma McBride Murry, and Delores P. Quasie-Woode

Engaging Individuals with Sickle Cell Disease and Their Caregivers in Clinical Research Education through Sickle Cell Community Research 101, Tilicia Mayo-Gamble, Delores P. Quasie-Woode, Denisha Allicock, and Velma McBride Murry

Applications of Generalized Kullback-Leibler Divergence as a Measure of Medical Diagnostic and Cut-Point Criterion for K-Stages Diseases, Chen Mo, Hani Samawi, Jingjing Yin, Haresh Rochani, Xinyan Zhang, and Jing Kersey


Social Media Use in Emergency Response to Natural Disasters: A Systematic Review with a Public Health Perspective, Kamalich Muniz-Rodriguez, Sylvia Ofori, Kadiatou Diallo, Manyun Liu, Jessica S. Schwind, Gerardo Chowell, and Isaac Fung

Health Care Provider Support for Physical Activity in Women, Aged 20-44 Years, in Georgia: A Qualitative Study, Dziyana Nazaruk, Stuart H. Tedders, and Andrew Hansen


The Use of Digital Technology to Improve and Monitor Handwashing Among Children 12 Years or Younger in Educational Settings: a Systematic Review, Sylvia Ofori, Yuen Wai Hung, Kamalich Muniz-Rodriguez, Reece J. Kakou, Sunmisola Alade, Kadiatou Diallo, Kelly L. Sullivan, Jessica S. Schwind, Benjamin J. Cowling, and Isaac Fung

Enhancing Diabetes Care in Bulloch County Through Grant Writing and Service-Learning, Maria Olivas, Alan W. Skipper, Cathy Shriver, and Yelena Tarasenko

An Application of Penalized Quasi-likelihood in Variable Selection on Parametric Accelerated Failure Time Models With Frailty, Sarbesh R. Pandeya, Lili Yu, Hani Samawi, and Xinyan Zhang

Regularization in Accelerated Failure Time (AFT) models with frailty parameters, Sarbesh R. Pandeya, Lili Yu, Hani Samawi, and Xinyan Zhang

Overall Microbial Activity on Shopping Carts Handles: Relationship with Ambient Temperature, Relative Humidity, Moisture, and Ultraviolet Radiations, G. Renz and Atin Adhikari


Association Between Accreditation Engagement and Using the Community Guide for Preventive Services by Local Health Departments, Assegid Roba, Brianna Williams, Kristie Cason Waterfield, and Gulzar H. Shah

On Improving the Performance of Logistic Regression Analysis via Extreme Ranking, Hani Samawi

On Kullback-leibler Divergence as a Measure for Medical Diagnostics and Cut-point Selection Criterion, Hani Samawi, Jingjing Yin, Xinyan Zhang, Lili Yu, Haresh Rochani, and Robert L. Vogel

One Health: A Transdisciplinary Approach to Wicked Problems, Jessica S. Schwind

Incorporating EService-Learning Opportunities In Public Health Education Through Partnerships With Local Health Departments, Jessica S. Schwind


Emergency Preparedness Then and Now: Lhds' Activities, Response to Events, Funding, and Volunteer-engagement: 2005, 2008, 2010, 2013 and 2016, Gulzar H. Shah and Kristie Cason Waterfield


Impacting Health Equity and Other Social Determinants of Health: Public Health Workforce Perspectives, Gulzar H. Shah, Jingjing Yin, Jessica L. Owens-Young, and Kristie Cason Waterfield


Maternal Mortality among African American Women in Georgia, Policy and Ethical Considerations, Zahra Shahin, Nancy Jeffery, JaLisa Brown, Isabella Hardwick, and William A. Mase

Health Inequities at the Intersection of Race, Place, and LGBT Identity, Stacy Smallwood

Power and Privilege: Cultural Competency and Beyond, Stacy Smallwood

Seeing the Invisible: Obscured Narratives in HIV/AIDS, Stacy Smallwood

Adolescents with Chronic Health Conditions: Transition as a Public Health Issue, Joseph Telfair

Applied Evaluation for discovery, Problem-Solving and Sustainment, Joseph Telfair

Global Public Health An Overview, Joseph Telfair

Integrated Systems of Construct Oriented Program Evaluation (ISCOPE) for Community-Based Evaluation, Joseph Telfair

Public Health Genetics, Joseph Telfair

Research Mentoring, Supervising Department of English Language and Teaching, Joseph Telfair

Research Report Development and Utilization, Joseph Telfair

Rural Health Challenges in Universal Health Coverage, Joseph Telfair

Shaping Public Health – APHA, Academics, Practice and Advocacy to Address Health Inequities and Links to Public Health 3.0, Joseph Telfair

Teen Health Week Guest Speaker, Statesboro High School, James E. Thomas

Brominated Vegetable Oil in Beverages: An Ecological Study, Joana Tome, Prachi Joshi, Logan Cowan, and Asli Aslan


The Relationship between High Consumption of BVO-Contained Beverage, CVD and Stroke, Joana Tome, Prachi Joshi, Logan Cowan, and Asli Aslan

Personal Mastery and All-cause Mortality Among Patients With Diabetes, Ho-Jui Tung and Ming-Chin Yeh

Childhood Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution and the Lower Respiratory Tract Microbiome, C. Uebel-Niemeier, P. Ryan, J. Meller, N. Ollberding, and Atin Adhikari

Testosterone Therapy and Risk of Venous Thromboembolism Among Men Without Hypogonadism, Rob F. Walker, Neil A. Zakai, Richard F. MacLehose, Logan Cowan, Terrence J. Adam, Alvaro Alonso, and Pamela L. Lutsey

Testosterone Therapy and Risk of Venous Thromboembolism Among Men Without Hypogonadism, Rob F. Walker, Neil A. Zakai, Richard F. MacLehose, Logan Cowan, Terrence J. Adam, Alvaro Alonso, and Pamela L. Lutsey


Leadership Characteristics of Local Health Department Top Executives and Their Impact on Service Provisions, Kristie Cason Waterfield and Gulzar H. Shah

Issue of Personal Protective Equipment Compliance Among Wastewater Workers Across the Southeast Region of the United States, T. Wright, Atin Adhikari, J. Yin, R. Vogel, S. Smallwood, and G. Shah

Twitter Users’ Opinion and Reactions Toward Autism Awareness Campaign Message, Jingjing Yin, Sushmita Khan, and Jeffrey P. Kaleta

A Homoscedasticity in the Accelerated Failure Time Model, Lili Yu and Ding-Geng Chen

Submissions from 2018

Children Exposed to Secondhand Smoke, E. Abioro, A. Hanna, L. Gladkova, and Sara S. Plaspohl


Wood Dust and Nanoparticle Exposure Among Workers During a New Building Construction, Atin Adhikari, Aniruddha Mitra, Abbas Rashidi, Imaobong B. Ekpo, Jefferson W. Doehling, Alexis Pawlak, Shane Lewis, and Jacob Schwartz

Guest Lecture given at Environmental Health (PUBH 6532), Environmental Health Sciences, JPHCOPH at Georgia Southern University, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu

Guest Lecture given at Principles of Environmental Health (PUBH 3136), Undergraduate program in (BSPH), Department of Community Health, JPHCOPH at Georgia Southern University, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu

Guest Lecture given at Principles of Environmental Health (PUBH 3136), Undergraduate program in (BSPH), Department of Community Health, JPHCOPH at Georgia Southern University, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu

Guest Lecture given at Toxicology (BIOL 5243), Biology Department at Georgia Southern University, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu

Guest lecture given for the Global Health (CHBE 9335), Department of Community Health, JPHCOPH at Georgia Southern University, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu

Engaging Communities for Health – Environment and Food Safety, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu, Alicia Brown, Atin Adhikari, and Hani Samawi

Invited speaker, Extreme Affordability: West Africa Conference 2018, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu, Alicia Brown, Atin Adhikari, and Hani Samawi

Utilization of Scrap Tires Versus Firewood and Liquefied Petroleum Gas as Fuels for Singeing Meat in Ghana: Emission of Pollutants via Smoke, Evans Afriyie-Gyawu, Alicia Brown, M. Rao, and Hani Samawi