

The purpose of this study was to explore the impact a cultural tradition has on a perceived-brand-relationship (PBR) and word-of-mouth (WOM) behavior in person and on social media. Based on the cognitive-motivational-related theory of emotions and the social identity theory, a model is proposed to explain the impact that a family tradition, such as cooking with selective products, has on Hispanic mothers. Using a research mixed-method approach, a construct was developed to measure attitudes toward cultural traditions. Further, an online survey was administered for hypotheses and model testing using SEM and Logistic Regression tests. The findings supported the proposed model indicating: 1) the stronger the perception about cultural traditions, the more favorable PBR; 2) the more favorable the PBR, the more favorable the impact of WOM; 3) the more favorable the attitude toward WOM, the more likely consumers are to share information in person and through social media (eWOM). Finally, it was also found the level of prediction to perform WOM in person was higher than eWOM.

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Recommended Citation

Chapa, Sindy (2017). The role of cultural traditions on branding and word-of-mouth: Keeping mother’s recipes alive! Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 7(2), 54-69. ISSN: 2151-3236. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/jamt/vol7/iss2/5

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