Performance feedback with goal setting- Implications on teacher candidate field supervision

Conference Tracks

Teaching Practices (Poster Only) – Analysis, synthesis, reflection, and discussion


Performance feedback is an effective method for improving teacher outcomes; however, many performance feedback plans do not use goal setting to improve teacher outcomes despite its effectiveness. Goal setting can be added to a performance feedback treatment package to improve the efficacy of the feedback. This presentation will share results from a recent study providing performance feedback with goal setting to classroom teachers on their classroom management skills. The results of this study may have implications on pre-service teacher training and how we provide feedback to teacher candidates in field placements. Implications for university supervisors will be discussed.

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Feb 25th, 8:15 AM

Performance feedback with goal setting- Implications on teacher candidate field supervision

Performance feedback is an effective method for improving teacher outcomes; however, many performance feedback plans do not use goal setting to improve teacher outcomes despite its effectiveness. Goal setting can be added to a performance feedback treatment package to improve the efficacy of the feedback. This presentation will share results from a recent study providing performance feedback with goal setting to classroom teachers on their classroom management skills. The results of this study may have implications on pre-service teacher training and how we provide feedback to teacher candidates in field placements. Implications for university supervisors will be discussed.