Learning as a Peer Assessor

Conference Tracks

Assessment and SoTL - Research


When students engage in peer assessment, they often put emphasis on the feedback they receive from peers, but fail to appreciate how their role as a peer assessor can contribute to their learning process and improve their own work. This SoTL project conducts a small-scale controlled experiment with students conducting peer assessment in randomly assigned groups that either focus on giving and receiving peer feedback or assessing peers’ work without receiving feedback on their own. The results provide evidence that students improve at least as much or more when feedback is removed and they focus solely on their assessor role.

Session Format

Research Brief and Reflection Panels

Publication Type and Release Option

Image (Open Access)


Feb 24th, 3:45 PM

Learning as a Peer Assessor

When students engage in peer assessment, they often put emphasis on the feedback they receive from peers, but fail to appreciate how their role as a peer assessor can contribute to their learning process and improve their own work. This SoTL project conducts a small-scale controlled experiment with students conducting peer assessment in randomly assigned groups that either focus on giving and receiving peer feedback or assessing peers’ work without receiving feedback on their own. The results provide evidence that students improve at least as much or more when feedback is removed and they focus solely on their assessor role.