What Sociology Students Gain from Sociological Curricula

Conference Tracks

Assessment and SoTL - Research


Sociological SoTL scholars have stressed the importance of developing students' sociological imagination, but they have struggled to define what the sociological imagination is and it develops. This study proposes a conceptualization of the sociological imagination as a skill and provides a theoretical framework of how that skill is developed. Then applies this framework to survey data from # undergraduate students to answer two research questions: 1. Does exposure to sociological curriculum influence students development of their sociological imagination. 2. Does that influence on students' sociological imagination persist after they are no longer in a sociology course. Preliminary findings suggest they do.

Session Format



Scarbrough Five


Feb 21st, 10:15 AM Feb 21st, 11:00 AM

What Sociology Students Gain from Sociological Curricula

Scarbrough Five

Sociological SoTL scholars have stressed the importance of developing students' sociological imagination, but they have struggled to define what the sociological imagination is and it develops. This study proposes a conceptualization of the sociological imagination as a skill and provides a theoretical framework of how that skill is developed. Then applies this framework to survey data from # undergraduate students to answer two research questions: 1. Does exposure to sociological curriculum influence students development of their sociological imagination. 2. Does that influence on students' sociological imagination persist after they are no longer in a sociology course. Preliminary findings suggest they do.