MTSS at Work: Connecting Social Emotional Learning to the Process

First Presenter's Institution

Fayette County Public Schools

First Presenter's Brief Biography

Dedeeh Newbern is the Chief Student Support Officer for Fayette County Public Schools in Lexington, KY. She began her career as a Special Education Teacher in Bedford, Oh and served as a Special Education Teacher in Lexington, KY as well as a School and District Level Behavior Coach. Dedeeh lead the District Positive Behavior Intervention and Support work until moving into the Chief role in July of 2022.

Second Presenter's Institution

Fayette County Public Schools

Second Presenter’s Email Address

Document Type


Primary Strand

Mental Health

Relevance to Primary Strand

Mental Health- Connecting Social Emotional Learning and Mental Health to the MTSS process is crucial in helping staff remove barriers to instruction for students. Using the same language and similar tools as utilized within academic MTSS allows leaders to connect the pieces for school staff in a way that is consistent with what is already being done. This increases the likelihood of improved outcomes for student socially and academically.

Alignment with School Improvement Plan Topics

Leadership/ Continuous Improvement

Brief Program Description

In this session, participants review the critical components of behavior and mental health support through the use of social emotional learning standards and explore how they connect to a well rounded multi-tiered service and support (MTSS) model. Participants will be guided through a process of understanding relevant data and continuous improvement to plan, implement, assess, and alter as needed, the SEL support system.


Participants will "take home" tools that allow them to develop social expectations and social emotional learning competency connections that align with essential standards for a robust Tier 1. This model includes incorporating the PBIS Framework as well as the use of SEL screeners within an MTSS model. Participants will work through three tiers of support in relation to SEL and pull together next steps for using data to drive decisions and plan for intentional student support.


PBIS Framework which includes fidelity requirements anchored in student outcome data that shows a decrease in missed instruction across implementation years (2018-present)

Use of SEL screener data to develop leveled action plans for support across all tiers of social instruction, which includes pre and post assessments.

Learning Objective 1

describe how PBIS connects to the MTSS process.

Learning Objective 2

explain tiers of support and where SEL falls within the continuum

Learning Objective 3

identify examples of strategies and supports within each MTSS tier of support.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

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MTSS at Work: Connecting Social Emotional Learning to the Process

Participants will "take home" tools that allow them to develop social expectations and social emotional learning competency connections that align with essential standards for a robust Tier 1. This model includes incorporating the PBIS Framework as well as the use of SEL screeners within an MTSS model. Participants will work through three tiers of support in relation to SEL and pull together next steps for using data to drive decisions and plan for intentional student support.