Why are There Toilets in the Vape Room & Other Teen Trends

First Presenter's Institution


First Presenter's Brief Biography

Phillip Falcetti, MPH, CHES CEO/Partners4Wellness Faculty/CSULB Phillip Falcetti has over 30 years of experience in the public health field, with numerous professional and community leadership positions in mental health, substance use, alcohol, tobacco and drug prevention. He is currently the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Partners4Wellness. Since 1998, he acquired over $40 million dollars in grant funding for Partners4Wellness to provide mental health, counseling, therapy, substance use and ATOD prevention service in Southern California. Falcetti has been a guest lecturer and presenter at more than 300 local, state and national conferences and is a faculty member in the Health Science Department at California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) since 1999. In 2017, he was recognized by CSULB as the “Most Inspirational Professor.” He also served on the CSULB Alumni Association board of directors and the Health Science graduate advisory council. He serves as the faculty advisor to the Eta Sigma Gamma Health Science Honor Society. During the years of 2008-2011 he was a part-time instructor in the Human Services Department at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo. In addition, Falcetti served as past-chair of the Orange County Methamphetamine Task Force, past-president of the Society for Public Health Educators - Southern California Chapter (SOPHE), and past-chair of the Orange County Tobacco Use Prevention Coalition. Falcetti has been an inspirational leader in the mental wellness arena, and was instrumental in creating and obtaining local funding directed toward the transitional aged youth in Orange County. Created the ConnectOC mental wellness movement. He coordinates and participates in the Underage Drinking Task Force, Mental Health Coalition, DUI Prevention Coalition, RX/OTC Drug Workgroup, Marijuana Education Initiative (MEI), National Safe Schools Conference, School Climate Trainings and Conference, California School Resource Officers Association (CSROA), Drug Free Communities project, and the Prevention Coalition of Orange County. In the mid 1990s, he held the position as director of the Arthritis Foundation-Orange County/Long Beach Branch and was nationally recognized for developing the first Children’s Aquatic Therapeutic Program and creating “Bone Builders,” a curriculum and patch program endorsed by the Girl Scouts of America and certified by the National Arthritis Foundation. Falcetti was the first Orange County Health Care Agency staff person focused on tobacco policy earlier in his career. He was influential in affecting millions of lives by authoring no-smoking policies with organizations and businesses such as South Coast Plaza, MainPlace Mall, Anaheim Stadium and Arrowhead Pond, Taco Bell Corporation, as well as numerous cities, restaurants, bars and worksites.

Second Presenter's Institution


Second Presenter’s Email Address


Second Presenter's Brief Biography

Gabby McCormick, MPH Gabby McCormick has been working in the field of public health and health education for 5+ years, working mainly with schools, administrators, and the community. Her experience with schools and the community provides great insight into current issues facing our youth today. She has presented and participated in numerous conferences throughout California and the country about school climate and school safety. She is also a member of numerous organizations such as the Tobacco and Vape Free Coalition, the Society for Public Health Education, and the Health Science Graduate Association. Today, she focuses on providing education to community members and schools about a variety of topics which include alcohol and other drugs, mental wellness, vaping/smoking. and community advocacy.

Document Type


Primary Strand

School Safety

Relevance to Primary Strand

Our presentation provides information, resources, and ideas on improving mental well-being and how to prevent substance misuse within schools and the community. The presentation goes in-depth about proven strategies and solutions Partners 4 Wellness has implemented with our partners to create safe and supportive environments for students, teachers, parents, and the community.

Alignment with School Improvement Plan Topics

School Safety

Brief Program Description

Ideal for school administrators, staff, teachers, counselors, and school resource officers. This workshop will provide participants with useful tools and strategies to help develop youth-led activities that are adapted for school-based settings. Models and curriculums will focus on vaping trends and devices, THC treats and Edibles, Mental Health, Building Resilience, Reality Parties, and Photovoice and other current trends. We will demonstrate how these strategies and activities foster school connectedness, and build stronger relationships between students, teachers, staff, and the community.


Ideal for school administrators, staff, teachers, counselors, and school resource officers. This workshop will provide participants with useful tools and strategies to help develop youth-led activities that are adapted for school-based settings. Models and curriculums will focus on vaping trends and devices, THC treats and Edibles, Mental Health, Building Resilience, Reality Parties, and Photovoice and other current trends. We will demonstrate how these strategies and activities foster school connectedness, and build stronger relationships between students, teachers, staff, and the community.


Our presentation is designed to educate participants vaping/on e-cigarettes, including the health risks, the factors that lead to e-cigarette use, and what youth can do to avoid all tobacco products, including vaping/e-cigarettes. This proposed solution focuses on addressing youth E-cigarette prevention and cessation based on current evidence and best practices It is designed for school counselors, administrators, teachers, and community leaders, and others considering an intervention for their school or community.

Learning Objective 1

Describe the factors that contribute to youth and young adults' usage of vaping products.

Learning Objective 2

List 3 ways vaping and tobacco are harmful to the body and mind.

Learning Objective 3

Identify 2 strategies school administrators and the community can implement in their school or community.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License.

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Why are There Toilets in the Vape Room & Other Teen Trends

Ideal for school administrators, staff, teachers, counselors, and school resource officers. This workshop will provide participants with useful tools and strategies to help develop youth-led activities that are adapted for school-based settings. Models and curriculums will focus on vaping trends and devices, THC treats and Edibles, Mental Health, Building Resilience, Reality Parties, and Photovoice and other current trends. We will demonstrate how these strategies and activities foster school connectedness, and build stronger relationships between students, teachers, staff, and the community.