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The publications archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Political Science and International Studies.
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Submissions from 2014
Crouching Dragon: The Role of Beijing in the South China Sea Imbroglio, Nalanda Roy
Do Good Fences Make Good Neighbors? Analyzing Beijing-India Relationship in the South China Sea Dispute, Nalanda Roy
The 9/11 Attacks, the U.S.'s Homeland, and Its Implication for Airport Security, Nalanda Roy and José de Arimatéia da Cruz
Review Essay: Globalization and/or Democratization?, Daniel Skidmore-Hess
Submissions from 2013
Book Review of "Global Security Upheaval: Armed Nonstate Groups Usurping State Stability Functions" by Robert Mandel, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Terrorism, War, and Cyber (In)Security, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Brazil's Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) and its National Security Implications, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Becky Kohler da Cruz
The Asylym-Migration Nexus: Can Motivations Shape the Concept of Coercion? The Sudanese Transit Case, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Ester Serra Mingot
The Election of Barack Obama and the Importance of the Internet: Bring the People Back into Government Again, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Adriana Oliveira
Employing Music in the Cause of Social Justice: Ruth Crawford Seeger and Zilphia Horton, Karen M. McCurdy and Julia Schmidt-Pirro
The Effect of Per Se Recusal Rules on Donor Behavior in Judicial Elections, Banks Miller and Brett W. Curry
Constraints and Opportunities in India-Bangladesh Transit Dispute, Nalanda Roy
India and Bangladesh Corridor Dispute: Finding a Way Forward?, Nalanda Roy
Third Generation Gangs Strategic Note No. 15: Primeiro Comando da Massachusetts (PCM) Emerges in Massachusetts, John P. Sullivan, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz, and Robert J. Bunker
Submissions from 2012
Conclusion: What Now? Implications of the Long Turn to the Right, Ronald W. Cox and Daniel Skidmore-Hess
Review of "Defending Congress and the Constitution", Brett W. Curry
Critical Issue in the American Criminal Justice System: HIV/AIDS Among Prison Population, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Becky Kohler da Cruz
Galician Political Culture as a Legacy of Class-Based Political Mobilization, Jacek Lubecki
Pilsudski: Poland’s Napoleonic First Marshal, Jacek Lubecki
Coal Disasters: Geology and Politics in Uneasy Collaboration, Karen M. McCurdy
The Evil Wet Nurse: Preoedipal Development and Primo Levi’s Science Fiction, Robert Pirro
Republican Party, Daniel Skidmore-Hess
The Corporate Centrism of the Obama Administration, Daniel Skidmore-Hess
Dousing the Fiery Woman: The Diminishing of the Prophetess Deborah, Daniel Skidmore-Hess and Cathy Skidmore-Hess
Submissions from 2011
Review of "John Chipman Gray: The Harvard Brahmin of Property Law", Brett W. Curry
Africa’s Elusive Quest for Political, Social, and Economic Development, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Spanning the Geoscience-Government Divide: The Importance of Congressional Time, Karen M. McCurdy
Luftkrieg and alien invasion: Unacknowledged themes of German wartime suffering in the Hollywood blockbuster Independence Day, Robert Pirro
Congress and U.S. – North Korean Relations: The Role of the Entrepreneur, Terence Roehrig and Lara Wessel
Submissions from 2010
Book Review of "Brazilian Foreign Policy After the Cold War" by Sean W. Burges, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
State Terror and International Human Rights, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
The United Nations Convention Against Corruption (UNCAC), Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Becky Kohler da Cruz
The U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM): Building Partnership or Neo-colonialism of U.S.-Africa Relations?, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Laura K. Stephens
The Policy Setting for Coal Fires: Indicators for Government Action, Karen M. McCurdy
Does Descriptive Race Representation Enhance Institutional Legitimacy? The Case of the U.S. Courts, Nancy Scherer and Brett W. Curry
Submissions from 2009
Review of Brian C. Schmidt’s, The Political Discourse of Anarchy: A Disciplinary History of International Relations, Barry J. Balleck
Review of "Champion of Civil Rights: Judge John Minor Wisdom", Brett W. Curry
Scalia, Antonin, Brett W. Curry
Book Review of "A Discontented Diaspora: Japanese Brazilians and the Meanings of Ethnic Militancy, 1960-1980" by Jeffrey Lesser, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Book Review of "The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It" by Paul Collier, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Transnational Crime in the 21st Century: Regulating Cyber Crime in a Global Society, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Becky Kohler da Cruz
Rousseau and Imagined Communities, Steven Engel
Expertise, Experience, and Ideology on Specialized Courts: The Case of the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, Banks Miller and Brett W. Curry
Popular epidemiology and the struggle for community health: Alternative perspectives from the environmental justice movement, Patrick J. Novotny
Cinematic Traces of Participatory Democracy: Italian Neorealism in the Light of Greek Tragedy, Robert Pirro
Goatsong in a Democratic Key: Legacies of Tragedy in German Culture and Politics, Robert Pirro
Tragedy, Theodicy and 9/11: Rhetorical Responses To Suffering and Their Public Significance, Robert Pirro
Submissions from 2008
Making the World More Relevant for Students: Role Playing Exercises for the Classroom, Barry J. Balleck and Darin Van Tassell
Friendships Across Ages: Johnson And Boswell; Holmes And Laski, Brett W. Curry
Goldman v. Weinberger, Brett W. Curry
Lee v. Weisman (1992), Brett W. Curry
Looking for Law in All the Wrong Places? Foreign Law and Support for the U.S. Supreme Court, Brett W. Curry and Banks Miller
“An Informal and Limited Alliance”: The President and the Supreme Court, Brett W. Curry, Richard L. Pacelle Jr., and Bryan Marshall
Africa in the Neo-Liberal World (Dis)Order, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Book Review of "Brazilians Working with Americans: Cultural Case Studies", Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Age-Graded Attachment Theory: Conduct Disorder and Juvenile Delinquency, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Becky Kohler da Cruz
Brazil’s Biofuel Production: A Developing Nation Environmentally Ahead of the World, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Laura K. Stephens
Gender and HIV/AIDS in Post- Authoritarian Brazil: Moving Closer to Curbing HIV/AIDS, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Laura K. Stephens
The Mérida Initiative: Bilateral Cooperation or U.S. National Security Hegemony, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Laura K. Stephens
The Mérida Initiative: Bilateral Cooperation or U.S. National Security Hegemony, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Laura K. Stephens
Peak Oil, Global Warming, and Coal Fires: Or How Scientific Fact Became Debatable Political Questions, Karen M. McCurdy
The Past Can Be the Key to the Present: Lessons from J.W. Powell’s Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Policy Making, Karen M. McCurdy
Mormons and the state, Michael Nielsen and Barry J. Balleck
Review of "Why Arendt Matters", Robert Pirro
Haredim, Daniel Skidmore-Hess and Cathy Skidmore-Hess
Submissions from 2007
Institutions, Interests, and Judicial Outcomes: The Politics of Federal Diversity Jurisdiction, Brett W. Curry
Nomination of Clarence Thomas to the Supreme Court, Brett W. Curry
Review of "Architect of Justice: Felix S. Cohen and the Founding of American Legal Pluralism", Brett W. Curry
Overcoming the "‘Defect of Sex"’: Georgia Women's Fight for Access to Jury Service, Rebecca Davis
Book Review of "Foreign Policy Toward Cuba: Isolation or Engagement?" by Michele Zebich-Knos and Heather N. Nicol, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Book Review of "Soldiers of the Patria. A History of the Brazilian Army, 1889-1937" by Frank D. McCann, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Book Review of "The Unpast: Elite Violence and Social Control in Brazil, 1954-2000" by R. S. Rose, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Gender and HIV/AIDS in Post-Authoritarian Brazil: Moving Closer to Curbing HIV/AIDS, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
An Unusual Choice: Michelle Bachelet, President, in Conservative South America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Becky Kohler da Cruz
Brazil: Restorative Justice in a Democracy without Citizenship, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Becky Kohler da Cruz
Treatment of Drug Offenders in the Criminal Justice System: Analyzing Correlations of Gender, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Becky Kohler da Cruz
HIV/AIDS: The Pandemic Hits the Sleeping Giant, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz, Becky Kohler da Cruz, and Corie Hammers
Are Changes in Coal Policy on the Horizon? An Examination of Committee Changes in the 110th Congress, Karen M. McCurdy
Committees: Standing Committees, Karen M. McCurdy
Congressional Response to Coal Fires: Illustrating Transitions in the Policy Process, Karen M. McCurdy
Congressional Time, Elections, Geologic Time and Public Policy Making in Non-Renewable Resources, Karen M. McCurdy
House Merchant Marine and Fisheries Committee, Karen M. McCurdy
House Science Committee, Karen M. McCurdy
House UnAmerican Activities Committee, Karen M. McCurdy
Influence in the Policy Making Process: the Rise of Economics at the Expense of Geology, Karen M. McCurdy
Office of Technology Assessment, Karen M. McCurdy
Richard Bolling, Karen M. McCurdy
Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, Karen M. McCurdy
Subcommittees, Karen M. McCurdy
The Impact of Television on Georgia, 1948-1952, Patrick J. Novotny
Keepers of the Covenant or Platonic Guardians? Decision Making on the U.S. Supreme Court, Richard L. Pacelle Jr., Bryan Marshall, and Brett W. Curry
Submissions from 2006
Review of Kimber Charles Pearce’s, Rostow, Kennedy, and the Rhetoric of Foreign Aid, Barry J. Balleck
Brazil’s Politics of AIDS: Addressing the HIV/AIDS Pandemic in the “Sleeping Giant” of South America, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Brazil’s Rainbow Coalition Foreign Policy Under Luiz Inacio “Lula” da Silva, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz
Incorporating an African Perspective In A Traditional Political Science Introductory Course, Jose de Arimateia da Cruz and Margaret Keiley-Listermann
Human Rights and Democratic Police Reform in Northern Ireland, Steven Engel
Teaching literature in the criminal justice curriculum, Steven Engel