Pursue Your Purpose Not Your Dreams: You didnt learn this in traditional education but you should have.


Individual Presentation

First Presenter's Institution

Joe Johnson Group

First Presenter’s Email Address


First Presenter's Brief Biography

Dr. Joe Johnson is a highly regarded international speaker and coach on unleashing your purpose. He has worked with dozens of prominent organizations around the world like Toyota, FedEx, the National Guard, and has been featured on platforms like NBC, VH1, and Oprah Winfrey’s network (OWN). With a PhD in Counselor Education, common sense, and street sense; Dr. Joe’s versatility has allowed him to gain over 20 years of experience in transformation work. As the author of the book, “Pursue Your Purpose Not Your Dreams,” the creator of the Strategic Goal Setting Mastermind Session and the Heal Now Masterclass, Dr. Joe continues to transform the lives of individuals and take organizations to the next level.


Session Six - Featured Sessions

Strand #1

Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership

Strand #2

Head: Academic Achievement & Leadership



Brief Program Description

The world we live continues to evolve. However, the way students are taught and the knowledge received from traditional education does not always evolve at the same rate. What if educators were able to increase their own understanding of what's needed to create the life and career they desire so they can better prepare students for their own future. Get ready to learn about the hidden curriculum that can take the educator and the student to their next level.





Learning Objective 1

How to live a purposeful and intentional life.

Learning Objective 2

How to access resources to create the life you desire.

Learning Objective 3

How to engage and expose students to information not taught in traditional education.

Presentation Year


Start Date

3-5-2024 1:00 PM

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Mar 5th, 1:00 PM

Pursue Your Purpose Not Your Dreams: You didnt learn this in traditional education but you should have.

Session Six - Featured Sessions

The world we live continues to evolve. However, the way students are taught and the knowledge received from traditional education does not always evolve at the same rate. What if educators were able to increase their own understanding of what's needed to create the life and career they desire so they can better prepare students for their own future. Get ready to learn about the hidden curriculum that can take the educator and the student to their next level.