Cheating, Internet Style: Guarding Against Online Term Paper Mills
Document Type
Publication Date
Fall 1998
Publication Title
Marketing Education Review
The growth of online term paper mills has recently exploded. With access to term papers available at their fingertips, student cheating, by submitting a purchased term paper, becomes much easier and quicker than in the past. As a means of student outcome assessment, more emphasis today is being placed on outside the classroom activities (homework, cases, term papers). How much of a threat to marketing education is the proliferation of these term paper services? The purpose of this paper is 1) to identify the services available, 2) to determine how many marketing term papers are offered by these services, and 3) to suggest techniques marketing instructors can use to combat usage of the proffered materials.
Recommended Citation
Swift, Cathy Owens, Luther Trey Denton, Sarath A. Nonis.
"Cheating, Internet Style: Guarding Against Online Term Paper Mills."
Marketing Education Review, 9 (3): 1-8.
doi: 10.1080/10528008.1998.11488629