Use of Online or Traditional Job Search Tools: Which Do Sales Students Prefer When Searching to Begin Their Post-College Graduate Careers-A Study Revisited

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Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Proceedings 2023


In 2019, a study was conducted to see if college students who studied/majored in professional sales, preferred digital media over face-to-face interactions for post-graduation careers searches. Results showed sales students used multiple methods during these searches. Although sales students engaged with digital media to land entry-level career positions, they still relied heavily upon traditional methods (i.e., college/university career fairs/services, internships, etc.). In March of 2020, as Covid-19 moved just about everyone online, the authors were interested in seeing whether the increased use and familiarity with digital media changed sales students’ preference for and use of job search tools.

This follow-up study investigates the use of online and traditional resources for sales students’ career searches as graduation approaches. Results suggest sales students use multiple methods during their first career searches. They engage with digital media to land entry-level career positions while still relying heavily upon traditional methods. This research provides insight into the perceptions of sales students while searching for career positions.


Georgia Southern University faculty members, Linda Mullen and Michael Lee Thomas co-authored Use of Online or Traditional Job Search Tools: Which Do Sales Students Prefer When Searching to Begin Their Post-College Graduate Careers-A Study Revisited.



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