Researching Virtual Teams: Tips and Strategies from Virtual Teams Scholars and Practitioners

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Abstract or Description

Interest in virtual teams is on the rise, both in the field and in academia. The purpose of this Professional Development Workshop (PDW) is to provide a “meeting ground” for practitioners and academicians to exchange ideas and learn from each other’s experiences with and perspectives on virtual teams. The focal audience for this PDW is emerging researchers in the field of virtual teams, such as graduate students or academicians looking to expand their research agenda. Participants will learn what the current “hot topics” in the field are from our industry discussants, as well as what the do’s and don’t's of conducting research on virtual teams are from a panel of academic experts on virtual teams. To accomplish this goal, the session will use a number of formats, including brief remarks from our discussants, small group roundtables led by industry and academic experts on specific topics, and a report-out of summary findings. The session will be augmented by a pre- and post- PDW virtual forum, where participants will pose questions and exchange ideas ahead of time, and following the workshop. Some additional participants from industry might contribute via video-conference (if technologically feasible) to create a more realistic virtual team experience for our workshop participants.


Academy of Management Annual Conference (AOM)


Philadelphia, PA
