Examination of the Fidelity of School-wide Positive Behavior Support Implementation and its Relationship to Academic and Behavioral Outcomes in Florida

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Southern Regional Council on Educational Administration Yearbook


School-wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) is an evidence-based approach to teaching behavioral expectations. The purpose of this article is to provide information regarding the theoretical background of Positive Behavior Support and to present the results of an examination of the relationship of implementation fidelity of the framework to academic and behavioral outcomes in elementary and middle schools in the State of Florida. The results of this study found that SWPBS is being implemented with fidelity in the majority of schools in one year and that these schools maintain or increase fidelity over time. Findings also suggest that there may be a relationship between greater implementation and lower Office Discipline Referral (ODR) rates, Out of School Suspension (OSS) rates and to a lesser extent, academic outcomes.
