

Extant research has discussed how consumers cope with numerous stressors and how coping can help with their well-being. Additionally, recent research has highlighted the importance of situated learning or learning that takes place in the same context in which it is applied, in the process of coping with stressful service encounters. This research relates to the effect consumer resilience can have on situated learning, active coping and well-being, especially when faced with stressful service situations. Results from an online survey of consumers demonstrated the positive effect of resilience on situated learning that affects active coping through partial mediation. Both situated learning and active coping also positively influences consumers’ subjective well-being. Additionally, psychological flexibility moderates some of the pathways. While partial mediation of situated learning was effective only with participants with high psychological flexibility, resilience played a role helping consumers with low psychological flexibility to learn and cope.

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Recommended Citation

Bose, Mousumi (2022). The role of consumer resilience on situated learning, active coping and well-being while dealing with service experiences: Psychological flexibility as a moderator. Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 9(1), 18-34. ISSN: 2151-3236

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