

This paper examines the relationship between self-concept, store image, service quality, loyalty, and share of wallet in a high-end niche retail market. Data was obtained from a high-end outdoor retail store customer email database. Partial Least Squares (PLS), was used to assess the psychometric properties of the measurement model and to test the hypotheses. A significant positive relationship was found between actual self-concept and store image; store image and loyalty; service quality and loyalty; and loyalty and share of wallet. This research suggests service quality perceptions, and particularly store image will enhance loyalty and increase share of wallet. The concurrent examination of the constructs in a niche retail context provides unique insights into the importance of self-concept, store image, and service quality as drivers of loyalty and share of wallet. Store image was the most substantial driver of loyalty behavior, followed by self-concept and service quality perceptions, respectively.

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Recommended Citation

Holmes, Gary R., Amos Clinton, and Zhang, Grace Lixuan (2022). Investigating consumer concept in a niche retail market. Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 9(1), 1-17. ISSN: 2151-3236.

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