

Change has become a “way of life” in organizations. The pace of change has increased substantially in recent years as a result of issues such as the pressures of global competition the impact of the Internet, customer demands and ever changing enhancement of technical capabilities. These changes affect what people do and how they fulfill their responsibilities, and therefore, there are varied reactions Historically, failures in change implementation have not been attributable to a lack of technical feasibility and functionality but instead have been the result of employee resistance. The difficulty of implementing organizational change has presented an ongoing challenge to managers. As we anticipate the future, paramount technological changes and shifts in strategies as a result of innovations such as cloud computing, social networks, and smart phones are on the horizon, all of which provide numerous opportunities for marketers. Customer relationship management (CRM implementation in particular, warrants consideration of a change management strategy. This paper reviews severa successful change management and implementation strategies that have been utilized to address technologica change and proposes an enhanced model to guide managers as they deal with technology-based organizational changes.

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Pollack, Thomas A., Lanasa, John M., and Ciletti, Dorene (2012). An enhanced model for managing change in organizations. Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 3(2), 1-13. ISSN: 2151-3236. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/jamt/vol3/iss2/1

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