

As more Universities begin to stress academic publication as a way to conform to current Marketing Department and Business School standards of accreditation the need for additional outlets for scholarship has become a pressing concern for faculty. This paper examines the changes that have taken place in the environment and proposes some changes that need to occur to make the current model for academic success achievable. The reality in the market is that growth in journal outlets for academic publications has not kept pace with either the increased number of marketing faculty nor with the increased emphasis on research publication, particularly at the refereed journal level. Therefore academicians are faced with an increased need for publication and increased competition for the relatively limited slots available.

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Recommended Citation

Schwartz, Joe, Mathisen, Richard E., Fontenot, Renee, and Musante, Michael (2010) "Bridging the Journal Gap: How Increased AQ Demands have Pushed Marketing Publications to Capacity," Journal of Applied Marketing Theory, 1(1), 98-106. ISSN: 2151-3236. https://digitalcommons.georgiasouthern.edu/jamt/vol1/iss1/8

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