Home > Journals > Active Journals > GER > Vol. 13 > Iss. 1 (2016)
This research study sought to determine the impact from participation in a practicum field experience on teacher candidates’ perceived professional dispositions for effective teaching. A further intent was to describe what teacher candidates perceived to be the necessary professional dispositions for effective teaching as they reflected on their experiences in their particular preparation contexts. A mixed-methods sequential explanatory design was used to examine and understand the development of dispositions from pre-service teachers’ perspectives. The participants consisted of seventeen middle grade undergraduate students who completed over 200 hours of field experience while attending a mid-size university in the Southeastern region of the U.S. The results of a paired-samples t-test showed there was a statistically significant difference on perceived dispositions for effective teaching before practicum experiences and after practicum experiences. From qualitative data analysis, three categories emerged to understand what the pre-service teachers perceived to be professional dispositions for effective teaching: the context for learning, student advocacy, and professional practices. The voices of the seventeen participants in this study provide valuable insights and implications for other teacher education programs who are involved in the planning and development of professional dispositions.
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Recommended Citation
Soares, Lina B.
"Voices from the Field,"
Georgia Educational Researcher: Vol. 13:
1, Article 7.
DOI: 10.20429/ger.2016.130107
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