Term of Award

Spring 1975

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Keith F. Hickman

Committee Member 1

Rex A. Nelson

Committee Member 2

Earl R. Andrews


This report details the interrelation of communication technology and doctrine with the military tactics of World War I. While modern tactics display a reliance upon communication, little is recorded stating how past tactics have been influenced by the communication media available. In fact, little is recorded in history texts of the signalling techniques and organizations.

When modern tactics and tactical organizations are considered as a whole, then the extreme importance of communication and of electronic warfare becomes a glaring reality. No modern military commander would enter a conflict without all possible means of command and control, coordination, and administration and supply. His signal assets are critical to these functions.

With the necessity of communication assets being a modern reality, then the correlation of communication and tactics must have extensive roots in the past. This study examines these roots as they appeared during World War I because the turn-of-the-century tactics were closely associated with technological change.

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