Term of Award

Spring 1975

Degree Name

Master of Arts in Psychology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Psychology

Committee Chair

Grover Richards

Committee Member 1

Shirley Osgood

Committee Member 2

Paul R. Kleinginna, Jr.


The effects of reward of intrinsic behavior in the experimental setting, on subsequent classroom behavior was investigated using three groups. Forty-eight children, who colored in the classroom to a criterion, were ranked from highest to lowest and randomly assigned by threes to one of the following conditions: control, the subject engaged in the coloring activity but was neither promised nor given a reward. Promised, the subject engaged in the coloring activity for a reward. Surprise, subject engaged in the coloring activity and was given a reward as a surprise. The experimental procedure was conducted in a room different from the classroom.

Another measure of classroom coloring behavior revealed the groups were homogenous before and after the experimental procedure but within groups there was a significant decrease from baseline to posttest. The failure to differentiate among the groups was attributed to the reward of behavior in the experimental setting having no effect on subsequent classroom behavior.

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