Term of Award

Summer 1975

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Division of Industrial Technology

Committee Chair

Keith F. Hickman

Committee Member 1

Arv Vogel

Committee Member 2

Earl R. Andrews


This paper is a review of the Civil War Battle of Fort Donelson to determine the technological advances of the era which were applied in the battle, to determine the strategic value of the battle, and to determine if a different application of certain principles of war would have made a difference in the outcome. The study, interpretation and evaluation of the material shows that the agrarian, rather than industrial society of the South hindered the South's war effort and that the loss of Fort Donelson further complicated the Confederate ability to wage war. The research also reveals that emphasis on the application of certain principles of war could have made a difference in the outcome of the battle.

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