Term of Award

Summer 1990

Degree Name

Master of Science in Nursing

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Martha A. Coleman

Committee Member 1

Charlene M. Hanson

Committee Member 2

Joyce Murray

Committee Member 3

Rebecca Ryan


The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of computer use by registered nurses in rural areas, examine the patterns of computer anxiety in these nurses, and to evaluate demographic factors related to computer anxiety- Nursing administrators in four rural counties were interviewed. Information regarding the use of computers by nurses in the facilities revealed that clinical applications are very limited. A sample of 73 registered nurses employed in rural facilities completed the Getting Computer Anxiety Scale (COMPAS) and a demographic form. F^esuits revealed a wide range of scores. Factor analysis demonstrated three major issues interrelated with computer anxiety in this group: basic computer knowledge deficit, negative feeling for mathematical operations, and lack of self confidence related to computers. Computer anxiety was significantly correlated to years with 1) current employment; 5) working in the study area; 3) working as an RN; and 4) since completion of education. Attending a workshop or program on computers, having ussd computers at a "former employment, and "frequency of use were positively correlated to computer anxiety. Educational preparation was negatively related to computer anxiety.

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