Term of Award

Spring 1990

Degree Name

Master of Recreation Administration

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)


Department of Recreation and Leisure Services

Committee Chair

Pamela S. Thomason

Committee Member 1

Jimmy Calloway

Committee Member 2

John H. Daily

Committee Member 3

Paul S. Miko

Committee Member 4

Connie Nall Schenk


The primary purpose of this study was to examine leisure interests and leisure satisfaction of recreation majors at Georgia Southern College. Leisure interests and leisure satisfaction between male and female recreation majors were examined. The relationship of TV-viewing hours and the participants' age were also investigated.

Two instruments, Leisurescope, and Leisure Satisfaction Scale, were used to assess respondent's leisure interests and leisure satisfaction, respectively. Demographic data were also collected by a questionnaire. Statistical techniques of frequency, t test, and correlations were used.

The study found recreation majors, both male and female, were predominately sports oriented. There were significant differences between male and female recreation majors in the categories of Games, Nature, Collection, Arts & Music, and Organizational. But TV-viewing hours and age apparently played little role in recreation majors' leisure interests and satisfaction.

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