Term of Award

Summer 1990

Degree Name

Master of Technology

Document Type and Release Option

Thesis (restricted to Georgia Southern)

Committee Chair

Keith F. Hickman

Committee Member 1

Earl R. Andrews

Committee Member 2

Waldo E. Meeks


In today's high tech society, computers have become a necessity for many businesses to keep in the race of increasing production and efficiency. To achieve this goal, industry instituted the use of the computer in the design and development of new products.

Computer Aided - Design Drafting (CADD) is a computer application program developed to assist architectural, electrical, and mechanical engineers in designing and drafting. It was developed in the early ISSO's for increasing accuracy and productivity for many automotive and aerospace firms. Presently, there are many CADD programs available on the market, available to almost every type of industry. Many innovative CADD systems have been developed to serve the needs of people in a variety of technologies and applications such as industrial engineering, manufacturing engineering, civil engineering, architectural engineering, and many other fields.

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