#Sponsored: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Strategies Used Within Sponsored Instagram Fashion Posts
Presentation Type
Research Study
Release Option
“#Sponsored: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Strategies Used Within Sponsored Instagram Fashion Posts” is a self-lead research presentation exploring the rhetorical choices used in sponsored Instagram content and their understood goal. Inspired by the work of Lucas Machado de Oliveira and Olga Goussevskaia in Sponsored Content and User Engagement Dynamics on Instagram, data was gathered by researching the hashtag “Sponsored” when used by American content creators during various times of day on various days of the week. Sponsored content was then analyzed through the three common rhetorical classification genres of ethos, pathos, and logos. Any instances in the caption that primarily appealed to the emotions of a reader to form a genuine connection were classified under pathos. Ethos statements were categorized as anytime an influencer appeared to desire credibility in the eyes of the consumer. Logos applied to statements founded in logic. After separating the statements according to their appropriate lenses, the data was then transferred into visual graph representations. From there, the information was applied to find the common goal of creating partnerships with Instagram content creators. In general, it was found that by employing a content creator, companies aimed to take advantage of established, personal connections between creator and viewer. They capitalize on the implied expertise and use that for a marketing advantage. The research found in “#Sponsored: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Strategies Used Within Sponsored Instagram Fashion Posts” explores modern ways of advertising and furthers the understanding of the impact of social media on daily experiences.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Faculty Mentor
Professor Drew Keane
Department of Primary Presenter's Major
Betty Foy Sanders Department of Art
Primary Presenter's Major(s)
Writing & Linguistics
Virtual Symposium
Symposium Year
#Sponsored: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Strategies Used Within Sponsored Instagram Fashion Posts
Virtual Symposium