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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology.

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Submissions from 2022

Law Enforcement and Investigations, Amanda K. Graham

Submissions from 2021

Anonymizing Behaviors Impact on Illicit Pharmaceutical Trade, Cassandra Dodge

Black, White and Blue: A Conversation about Racialized Police Violence, White Nationalism and the Roots of Domestic Terror, Amanda Graham, Barry J. Balleck, and Akiv Dawson

Survey Design, Amanda K. Graham

Blinded by the White (Nationalism): How Separatist Ideologies Lead People to Discount Threats to Society, Amanda K. Graham and Francis T. Cullen

Punishing Social Distancing Deviance in a Pandemic: An Experiment on Attitudes Towards Individual- and Business-Owner Offenders, Heejin Lee, Justin T. Pickett, Amanda K. Graham, Francis T. Cullen, Cheryl L. Jonson, Melissa M. Sloan, and Murat Haner

Submissions from 2020

High-dimensional Biological Data in Criminiology & Criminal Justice, B. Cooper, C. Covert, R. Kail, J. C. Barnes, and Amanda Graham

Measuring Procedural Justice: A Case Study in Criminometrics, Amanda Graham and Francis T. Cullen

Building a Restorative Community: External Crisis Team Outside of the Police Department, Amanda Graham, Micahel Edwards, Curtis Singleton, Elder Ned Williams, Flora Devine, Rossie Norris, and Luis Zaldivar

Submissions from 2018

How are Law Enforcement and Victims’ Services Related to the Prevalence of Internal Trafficking across Nations?, Adom Abatkun and Laura E. Agnich

Critic, Authors Meet Critics: Routledge Handbook of Critical Criminology (2nd ed.), Laura E. Agnich

#MeToo: Implications of a National Movement, Laura E. Agnich

Roundtable: Strategies for Success: Navigating the Criminology Classroom/Department as a Young Woman, Laura E. Agnich

Student Activism and the Principles of Community, Laura E. Agnich


Examining the Impact of Deterrence on the Willingness to Commit Politically Motivated Cyber Attacks, Adam Bossler


Examining the Impact of Deterrence Perceptions on the Willingness to Commit Politically Motivated Cyber Attacks, Adam Bossler


Deterrence, Anonymity, and Techniques of Neutralization: Examining the Willingness to Commit Politically Motivated Cyber Attacks, Adam Bossler and Theron Webber

Justice Leah Ward Sears: Seizing Serendipity, Rebecca Davis

Getting involved: What you can do, Jonathan A. Grubb

Overview of human trafficking in the U.S. and Georgia, Jonathan A. Grubb

Overview of human trafficking in the U.S. and Georgia, Jonathan A. Grubb

Overview of human trafficking in the U.S. and Georgia, Jonathan A. Grubb

Overview of human trafficking in the U.S., Georgia, & South Carolina, Jonathan A. Grubb

Overview of human trafficking in the U.S., Georgia, & South Carolina., Jonathan A. Grubb

Overview of human trafficking in the U.S. and Georgia, Jonathan A. Grubb and H. Bilton


Examining Variation in Near Repeat Burglaries for Single and Serial Offenders, Jonathan A. Grubb, Chad Posick, and Cedric L. James


Barriers to Domestic Violence Service Provision: Recognizing the Influence of the Rural/Urban Divide, Jonathan A. Grubb and Ebony Robinson

Examining Variation in Near Repeat Burglaries for Single and Serial Offenders, Cedric L. James and Jonathan A. Grubb

Methods for Teaching Cybercrime in a University Setting, Kevin Jennings


Challenges of Teaching about Cybercrime and Technology to Social Science Student, Kevin Jennings and Adam Bossler


Race and Gender in Cyber Criminality, Kevin Jennings and Steven Ericksen

Blockchain and Bitcoin, Kevin Jennings and S. Scheidt


Impact Zone LGBT: LGBT Centers and their Impact on the Student Population, Zachary Glenn Payne, Clare Walsh, and Laura E. Agnich

Prisoner Reentry and Labor Market Issues, Chad Posick and Jonathan A. Grubb


Rethinking Self-Control and Crime: Are All Forms of Impulsivity Criminogenic?, Brynn Wendel, Michael Rocque, and Chad Posick

Campus Resources for LGBTQ+ Students: The Role of University Centers and Student Organizations, Payne Zachary, Laura E. Agnich, and Clare Walsh

Submissions from 2017


Personal and Political: LGBTQ+ Students’ Perceptions of Safety and Harassment in the Rural South, Laura E. Agnich, Gabrielle Lory, and Shanna N. Felix


Reaching Conservative Teachers Regarding Gender and Sexual Diversity in the Wake of Obergefell, Scott A. Beck, Dina C. Walker-DeVose, Laura E. Agnich, Caren Town, and Trina Smith


Authors Meet Critics: the Routledge Handbook of Technology, Crime and Justice, Adam Bossler

Can You Hear Me Now?: Communication and Other Issues Affecting Rural Law Enforcement, Adam Bossler

“Oh no!” Not another RAT-Cybercrime Manuscript, Adam Bossler


Roundtable: Discussing the Next Steps of the International Interdisciplinary Research Consortium on Cybercrime, Adam Bossler


Roundtable: Understanding Cyber-offenders and Pathways Into Cyber Crime: Current Evidence and Future Directions, Adam Bossler


Mind the Cybergap: Uk Constables’ Perceptions of Their Ability to Respond to Cybercrime, George Burruss, Adam Bossler, and Thomas Holt

Justice Leah Ward Sears: Seizing Serendipity, Rebecca M. Davis

Justice Leah Ward Sears: Seizing Serendipity, Rebecca M. Davis


Transgender and Gender Nonconforming People’s Victimization Experiences, Shanna N. Felix, Leah E. Daigle, and Laura E. Agnich


Motives and Trends in Mass and School Shooting Incidents, Lillian Gray and Laura E. Agnich

Recent Trends and Motives in Mass Shooting Incidents, Lillian Gray and Laura E. Agnich

Overview of human trafficking in the U.S. and Georgia, Jonathan A. Grubb

Overview of human trafficking in the U.S. and Georgia, Jonathan A. Grubb

Overview of human trafficking in the U.S., Georgia, & South Carolina, Jonathan A. Grubb

Research findings and misconceptions of human trafficking in the criminal justice sector, Jonathan A. Grubb


The Impact of Geocoding Accuracy on Near Repeat Analysis, Jonathan A. Grubb and Matthew R. Nobles


Order Maintenance Policing: Understanding the Control of Begging and Loitering in the U.S., Jonathan A. Grubb, Lindsey Upton, and Morgan Gordy

Human Trafficking: Child Prostitution and Child Labor, Jasmine Ingram and Laura E. Agnich

Identity Theft and Digital Forensics, Kevin Jennings


An Empirical Test of IAT: Examining the Predictors of Domestic Violence and Sexual Assaults Against Women, Chad Posick and Adam Bossler


Getting SMART in the South: Results from a Beat-Level Analysis of Violent Gun Crime in Savannah, Chad Posick and Ebony Turner


A Tale of Two Universities: A Red State-Blue State Comparison of College Students’ Attitudes About Concealed Carry on Campus Policies, Jaclyn Schildkraut, Kevin Jennings, Victoria Terranova, and Collin M. Carr


The Physical Appearance of Female Assault Victims as a Mediating Factor in Blameworthiness, Jennifer Wareham, Brenda Blackwell, and Denise Paquette

Submissions from 2016


Illicit Hormone Acquisition and Use among Transgender Individuals using Internet Forums, Laura E. Agnich, Bryan Miller, and Shanna N. Felix


Delinquency Among Adopted Youth at School: Parental Bonds and Strain, Laura E. Agnich, Grace Pniewski, and April M. Schueths


Attractiveness and Perceptions of Blameworthiness, Brenda Blackwell, Jennifer Wareham, Bonnie Berry, and Denise Paquette

Assessing Police Perceptions of Cybercrime and the Law Enforcement Response in England and Wales, Adam Bossler

Assessing Police Perceptions of Cybercrime and the Law Enforcement Response in England and Wales, Adam Bossler


Feature Roundtable: Making Smart Policing Happen: Facing Challenges in Implementation, Collaboration, Organization and Evaluation, Adam Bossler

Perceptions of Cybercrime and Law Enforcement Responses From Across the Pond: A Comparison of US and UK Line Officers, Adam Bossler


Roundtable: Discussing the next steps of the International Interdisciplinary Research Consortium on Cybercrime (IIRCC), Adam Bossler


Roundtable: Understanding Cyber-offenders and Pathways in Cyber Crime – Current Evidence and Future Directions, Adam Bossler

Collaborative Project: a Multi-disciplinary Framework for Modeling Spatial, Temporal and Social Dynamics of Cybercriminals, Adam Bossler and Sriram Chellappan


College Students’ Preferences Regarding the Gender of Police Officers in High-risk Situations, Adam Bossler and Heather Hatfield


College Student Support of Women in Law Enforcement, Adam Bossler and Heather Hatfield


Examining UK Constables’ Perceptions of Cybercrime, Adam Bossler, Thomas Holt, and George Burruss


UK Constables’ Perceptions of Cybercrime and Law Enforcement Responses: Do Roles Influence Perceptions?, Adam Bossler, Thomas Holt, and George Burruss


Evans County, GA SPI Site: Lessons Learned and Recommendations Regarding Implementing Technology in Rural Agencies, Adam Bossler and Justin Hoyle


Negotiating Balance: Criminal Justice and Social Complexity in Fragile States, Laurie A. Gould and Matthew Pate


The Road to Deterrence: Motorized Patrol and its Effects on Hot Spots., Laurie Gould and Matthew Pate

School Mass Violence, Weapon Use, and Media-Reported Motives, Lilian Gray and Laura E. Agnich


The Impact of Geocoding Accuracy on Near Repeat Patterns, Jonathan A. Grubb


A Near-repeat Examination of Economic Crimes, Jonathan A. Grubb and Zachary A. Powell


Author Meets Critics: Assessing “cybercrime in Progress: Theory and Prevention of Technology-enabled Offenses” and Its Implications, Thomas Holt and Adam Bossler

Mass Casualty Attacks in Schools: A Qualitative Analysis of Perpetrators’ Manifestos, Kayla Hulon and Laura E. Agnich

Cyber Crime and Identity Theft, Kevin Jennings

The Apple iPhone and its Forensic Challenges, Kevin Jennings

The Lessons Learned from a University Digital Forensics Lab, Kevin Jennings

Exploring the Arrest and Novel Psychoactive Substance (NPS) Relationship: Observations from a Young Adult Population, Bryan Lee Miller, John M. Stogner, and Laura E. Agnich


No Statute of Limitations: Will 2017 Bring Closure to the Murder of John Kennedy?, Dennis D. Murphy

Punishment, Penality and Progress: Meeting Needs While Meting Out Justice, Matthew Pate and Laurie A. Gould

Delinquent Behavior among Adopted Youth, Grace Pniewski, Laura E. Agnich, and April M. Schueths


A Propensity Score Matching Approach for Exploring the Victim-offender Overlap, Chad Posick


What We Know and Don’t Know (Yet): The Contributions of Biosocial Criminology, Chad Posick