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The presentations archived in this Georgia Southern Commons collection are produced by the faculty of the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology.

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Submissions from 2015

Comparative Perspectives on School Shootings: The Aftermath for Communities in the U.S. and Finland, Laura E. Agnich


Fear of School Shootings and Active Shooter Event Preparedness in the Rural South, Laura E. Agnich


School Shootings: Prevalence, Media Portrayals, and Community Responses, Laura E. Agnich

Sexual Dating Violence: The Effects of Alcohol, Drug Use, and Sexual Orientation, Laura E. Agnich


Victimization among LGBTQ College Students in the Rural South: Strategies for Coping and Resiliency, Laura E. Agnich


"It's Kind of Difficult to Have Fun, Especially if You're Not 'Out:'" Drug and Alcohol Abuse as Coping Strategies in Response to Strain among College Students Who Identify as Gender and Sexual Minorities, Laura E. Agnich, Bryan Lee Miller, and John M. Stogner


Not Necessarily Unsafe, but Vulnerable: Perceptions of Safety and Harassment among LGBT Students at a Rural University, Laura E. Agnich, Bryan Lee Miller, and John M. Stogner

Advice on How to Successfully Navigate Graduate School and Academia, Brenda Blackwell


Evaluation of the Savannah SPI, Adam Bossler

Future Steps for Cybercrime Research: Moving the Field Toward Internet Usage Data and Honeypots, Adam Bossler


Roundtable: Making Smart Policing Happen: Facing Challenges in Policy Agency Organizational Change, Adam Bossler

Thunderdome II: Internet Usage Data Vs. Survey Data, Adam Bossler

Examining Differences in Open Web and Tor-Based Data Markets, Adam Bossler, Thomas Holt, and Olga Smirnova


Technology, Communication, and Rural Law Enforcement Agencies, Adam Bossler and Justin Hoyle

Revisiting Imbalance: An Expansion of Institutional Anomie Theory and Violent Crime Rates, Adam Bossler and Chad Posick


Racial Disparities in the American Child Welfare System, Shanna N. Felix, April M. Schueths, Chad Posick, and Laura E. Agnich


Exploring the Emergence of the Islamic State: a Case Study, Laurie A. Gould and Jack Lightfoot


Boko Haram and the Islamic State: Variations in Terror, Laurie A. Gould, Matthew Pate, and Jack Lightfoot


Sex Differences in the Likelihood to Endorse Bystander Intervention Strategies among University Students, Kelley Hartman, Christina Policastro, Laura E. Agnich, and Laurie Gould


General Strain Theory and its Empirical Status: Types of Strain and Negative Emotions, Causal Processes, and Contingencies, Deena Isom and Brenda Blackwell

Identity Theft in a Digital World, Kevin Jennings


The Demographics of Computer Criminals, Kevin Jennings


The Demographics of Computer Criminals: Are the Stereotypes True?, Kevin Jennings


The Application of Cyber Forensic Techniques to Street Crime: Everyone Has A Computer in their Pocket, Kevin Jennings and Michael J. Balas


Gender Stereotypes and Youth Violence, Lindsay Kahle, Laura E. Agnich, Anthony A. Peguero, Jennifer L. Murphy, Olivia Foroughi, and Jennifer N. Nester


The Effects of Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Sexual Orientation on Sexual Victimization, Krista Latham, Laura E. Agnich, and Christina Policastro


Cyber Espionage: A Case Study, Jack Lightfoot and Laurie A. Gould


An Examination of Global Trends in Human Trafficking, Matthew Pate, Laurie A. Gould, and Jack Lightfoot


An Integrated Theory of Victimization, Chad Posick


Understanding the CASA Process, Chad Posick and Shanna N. Felix


Cyber Forensics Meets Big Data, Jonathan Yerby and Kevin Jennings

Submissions from 2014


An Examination of Sexual Assault, Intimate Partner Violence, and Dating Violence among University Students in a Rural Setting, Laura E. Agnich, Laurie Gould, and Christina Policastro


Novel Drugs: College Epidemic or Media Hype?, Joseph Bacot, Michael Singleton, Shanna N. Felix, Bryan Lee Miller, Laura E. Agnich, and John M. Stogner

Implications of Criminological Research on Cybercrime Policies, Adam Bossler


The Evans County (GA) Smart Policing Initiative: The Use of Technology to Improve Communication and Job Readiness in Rural Georgia, Adam Bossler


Exploring the Predictors of Youth Sexual Victimization Online, Adam Bossler, Thomas J. Holt, and David May

Don’t Re-Traumatize the Traumatized!, Maxine L. Bryant

Economic Empowerment, Maxine L. Bryant

Sexual Orientation and the Likelihood to Intervene as a Bystander in Cases of Sexual Assault, Shanna N. Felix, Alexandra Breed, Laura E. Agnich, Laurie Gould, and Christina Policastro


The Effects of Self-Control, Sex, and Sexual Orientation on Dating Violence Victimization, Shanna N. Felix, Christina Policastro, Laura E. Agnich, and Laurie Gould


Experiential Learning in Diverse Criminal Justice Contexts: Issues for Assessment, Laurie Gould, Laura E. Agnich, and Bryan Miller


The Case for a Criminological Explanation of State Failure, Laurie A. Gould and Matthew Pate

A Cross-National Study of the Death Penalty, Meghan Hale, Laura E. Agnich, and Laurie Gould


A Comparative Analysis of Print Media Coverage of the Virginia Tech and Sandy Hook Elementary School Tragedies, James E. Hawdon, Laura E. Agnich, Robert Wood, and John Ryan


Cheating the American Dream: A Comparative Analysis of Strain and Principal Reported Cheating, Bryan Lee Miller, Laura E. Agnich, and Chad Posick


The Generality of the Victim-Offender Overlap: Examining Cultural Contingencies, Chad Posick and Laurie Gould


Gender and Sexual Minority Literature: A Tool for Understanding, Caren Town, Trina Smith, Laura E. Agnich, Dina C. Walker-DeVose, and Scott A. Beck

Submissions from 2013


Eyewitness to Workplace Violence: The Virginia Tech Killings, Laura E. Agnich

Gun Violence in the United States, Laura E. Agnich

Gun Violence in the United States and Canada-A Comparison, Laura E. Agnich


Principals' Perceptions of School Violence: A Multilevel Cross-National Analysis, Laura E. Agnich


Prison Rape in Context, Laura E. Agnich


The Effects of Gender, Student Achievement, and Poverty on Bullying Victimization in Cross-National Contexts, Laura E. Agnich


"Drank Up in My Cup:" How Prevalent is the Illicit Use of Codeine Cough Syrup Mixture "Purple Drank," and Who Is Using It?, Laura E. Agnich, John M. Stogner, and Bryan Lee Miller


Exploring Digital Forensic Examiners' Perceptions of Cybercrime, Adam Bossler and Thomas J. Holt


Assessing Trends and Correlates of Malware Infection Victimization at the Macro-Level, Adam Bossler, Thomas J. Holt, and George Burruss

The Role of the Black Church in Offender Re-Entry, Maxine L. Bryant


Exploring the Relationship Between State Failure and Transnational Crime, Laurie A. Gould and Matthew Pate


Perceptions of Police and Public Safety: Baselines for Policy Response, Laurie A. Gould and Matthew Pate


"Sippin' on Some Sizzurp:" Exploring the Relationship between Musical Preferences and Experimenting with Purple Drank, Melanie Hart, Laura E. Agnich, John M. Stogner, and Bryan Lee Miller

How Many Lone Nuts does it take to bring about Presidential Succession?, Dennis D. Murphy

Rifle Reports and the Warren Report: Three Conspiracies in One?, Dennis D. Murphy


Combating Crime as a Social Enterprise, Matthew Pate and Laurie A. Gould


The Dual Role of Victim Emotions and Police Officer Empathy in Satisfaction With Police Encounters, Chad Posick and Jack McDevitt


Novel Drug Use in the LGBT Community: A Mixed Methods Approach Using the Social Structure-Social Learning Model, John Stogner, Joe Ruckus, Laura E. Agnich, and Bryan Lee Miller

Submissions from 2009


Low Self-control Hackers?: the General Theory of Crime and Computer Hacking, Adam Bossler and George Burruss


Policing Cybercrime at the Street Level, Adam Bossler and Thomas Holt


General Strain Theory and Cybercrime Offending, Thomas Holt and Adam Bossler


Examining the Applicability of Low Self-control to Juvenile Computer Crime, Thomas Holt, Adam Bossler, and David C. May

Submissions from 2008


An Empirical Assessment of SSSL and Cybercrime, Adam Bossler, George Burruss, and Thomas Holt


Examining Awareness and Perceptions of Computer Crime in the General Public, Thomas Holt, Adam Bossler, and George Burruss


Examining On-Line Harassment among a Population of Juveniles, Thomas Holt, David C. May, and Adam Bossler

Submissions from 2002

Man’s Inhumanity to Man: The Case of Political Terrorism, Dennis D. Murphy