Birth Date on Headstone

October 21, 1922

Death Date on Headstone

April 9, 1998

Document Type

Image (Open Access)

Date of Photograph

Fall 9-29-2019

Cemetery Name

Rehovia Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery

Church Name

Rehovia Missionary Baptist Church

Location (City, State)

Portal, Georgia

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.


The family of Charlie Bill Drummer and Tena Wilma Drummer (née McCloud): Faye(7/30/38), Jimmie (10/8/41), Roma (2/8/43), May Pearl (1/31/45), Bobby G. (8/2/49), and Theresa (1/19/51).

Tena is also spelled Tina.


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Rehovia Missionary Baptist Church Cemetery, Rehovia Missionary Baptist Church, Portal, Georgia, Bulloch County
