Input and output: Using LEGO robots to understand functions

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Abstract or Description

Presentation given by Georgia Southern faculty member Shelli L. Casler-Failing at Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching and Learning Conference, Savannah, GA.

This presentation will allow participants to become middle school mathematics students as they use a LEGO robot to collect data in order to determine “the function.” A classroom lesson will be conducted (with the participants playing the role of the student) to show how LEGO robots can be an engaging tool to create collaboration among students as well as support the understanding of concepts. Participants will work in groups of 2-3 to develop a table of input and output data, which will then be used to determine the function represented by the data. This presentation will culminate with a discussion regarding participants’ reactions to the activity and its implication for classroom use.


Interdisciplinary STEM Teaching and Learning Conference


Savannah, GA

