"On p-competition graphs of loopless Hamiltonian digraphs without symmetric arcs and graph operations" by Kuniharu Yokomura and Morimasa Tsuchiya

Publication Date

July 2022


For a digraph D, the p-competition graph Cp(D) of D is the graph satisfying the following: V(Cp(D))=V(D), for x,y ∈ V(Cp(D)), xy ∈ E(Cp(D)) if and only if there exist distinct p vertices v1, v2, ..., vp ∈ V(D) such that x → vi, y → vi ∈ A(D) for each i=1,2, ..., p.

We show the H1 ∪ H2 is a p-competition graph of a loopless digraph without symmetric arcs for p ≥ 2 , where H1 and H2 are p-competition graphs of loopless digraphs without symmetric arcs and V(H1) ∩ V(H2) = {α}. For p-competition graphs of loopless Hamiltonian digraphs without symmetric arcs, we obtain similar results. And we show that a star K1,n is a p-competition graph of a loopless Hamiltonian digraph without symmetric arcs if n ≥ 2p+3 and p ≥ 3 .

Based on these results, we obtain conditions such that spiders, caterpillars and cacti are p-competition graphs of loopless digraphs without symmetric arcs. We also obtain conditions such that these graphs are p-competition graphs of loopless Hamiltonian digraphs without symmetric arcs.

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